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In Constant Digital Contact, We Feel 'alone Together'
From ACM Opinion

In Constant Digital Contact, We Feel 'alone Together'

As soon as Sherry Turkle arrived at the studio for her Fresh Air interview, she realized she'd forgotten her phone.

In Digital War, Patents Are the Weapon of Choice
From ACM Opinion

In Digital War, Patents Are the Weapon of Choice

If you don't think of patents as a particularly exciting or interesting field, consider a point Charles Duhigg makes in his recent New York Times article, "...

Why Your Cellphone Could Be Called a 'tracker'
From ACM Opinion

Why Your Cellphone Could Be Called a 'tracker'

Your cellphone is a tracking device collecting a lot more information about you than you may think, says ProPublica investigative reporter Peter Maass.

Nasa's Lessons From The Outer Limits
From ACM Opinion

Nasa's Lessons From The Outer Limits

In April 1981, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration launched a space shuttle program meant to take astronauts, cargo, research experiments and military...
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