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Digitizing the Cia: John Brennan's Attempt to Lead America's Spies Into the Age of Cyberwar
From ACM News

Digitizing the Cia: John Brennan's Attempt to Lead America's Spies Into the Age of Cyberwar

When America goes to the polls on Nov. 8, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials, it will likely experience the culmination of a new form of...

Google Services Should Not Require Real Names: Vint Cerf
From ACM Opinion

Google Services Should Not Require Real Names: Vint Cerf

In the face of increasing government-led crackdowns on social media, Google Inc. should not force Internet users to reveal their real names for some services, including...

Far from Silicon Valley, Tech Industry Finds an Oracle
From ACM Opinion

Far from Silicon Valley, Tech Industry Finds an Oracle

Anand Shimpi is one of the most influential tech industry figures you've never heard of.
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