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'The Goal Is to Automate ­s': Welcome to the Age of Surveillance Capitalism
From ACM Opinion

'The Goal Is to Automate ­s': Welcome to the Age of Surveillance Capitalism

We're living through the most profound transformation in our information environment since Johannes Gutenberg's invention of printing in circa 1439.

Tim Berners-Lee on the Future of the Web: 'the System Is Failing'
From ACM Opinion

Tim Berners-Lee on the Future of the Web: 'the System Is Failing'

Sir Tim Berners-Lee's optimism about the future of the web is starting to wane in the face of a "nasty storm" of issues including the rollback of net neutrality...

Genevieve Bell: 'humanity's Greatest Fear Is About Being Irrelevant'
From ACM Opinion

Genevieve Bell: 'humanity's Greatest Fear Is About Being Irrelevant'

Genevieve Bell is an Australian anthropologist who has been working at tech company Intel for 18 years, where she is currently head of sensing and insights.

Can a Chatbot Teach You a Foreign Language? Duolingo Thinks So
From ACM Opinion

Can a Chatbot Teach You a Foreign Language? Duolingo Thinks So

Chatbots suck.
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