Sir Tim Berners-Lee on the formative years of the world wide web, and the challenges it now faces.
Leah Hoffmann From Communications of the ACM | June 1, 2017
In October, when malware called Mirai took over poorly secured webcams and DVRs, and used them to disrupt internet access across the United States, I wondered who...The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | May 1, 2017
The same week that President Trump issued his hire American executive order, the president of one of China's top tech companies said his company wants to do the...NPR From ACM Opinion | April 21, 2017
From balloon-based Internet to self-driving cars, Astro Teller and his team have produced some of the world's most ambitious technology products.
The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | April 21, 2017
More than two decades ago, Tim Berners-Lee invented the thing you're using to read this story right now—the World Wide Web.
The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | April 4, 2017
Watch enough science fiction movies and you'll probably come to the conclusion that humans are living on borrowed time.
Scientific American From ACM Opinion | March 30, 2017
Serial entrepreneur Andrew "Bunnie" Huang believes that consumer product companies should make their hardware designs publicly available so that anyone can study...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | March 10, 2017
During the Obama administration, R. David Edelman was one of the president's top advisers. As a part of Obama's National Security Council and his National Economic...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | March 8, 2017
To an engineer in Silicon Valley, the Defense Department can look a little old, a little slow, and a little fat.
Wired From ACM Opinion | February 21, 2017
When America goes to the polls on Nov. 8, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials, it will likely experience the culmination of a new form of...Reuters From ACM News | November 2, 2016
The race is on build a "universal" quantum computer. Such a device could be programmed to speedily solve problems that classical computers cannot crack, potentially...Nature From ACM Opinion | October 21, 2016
You just wanted to shop for a birthday gift in peace—instead, you got ads that follow you around the internet, and coupons in your email that remember exactly which...The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | October 21, 2016
Late last week Obama administration officials used NBC News to send Moscow a cryptic threat: The U.S. government is "contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert...Scientific American From ACM Opinion | October 19, 2016
During his eight years in office, President Barack Obama has seen hackers grow into a threat no president has faced before.Wired From ACM Opinion | October 13, 2016
Google is hoping to develop its Assistant, a Siri-like technology to be included on the company's new smartphones and other products, into something like the computer...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 4, 2016
As we surf from website to website, we are being tracked—that's not news. What is news, revealed in a recent paper by researchers at Princeton University, is that...All Things Considered From ACM Opinion | September 27, 2016
When Apple CEO Tim Cook refused to help the FBI get into a mass murderer's iPhone last winter, he was hailed for his boldness in fighting the government on ...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | September 12, 2016