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authorBBC News

The ­S Cannot Crush ­s, Says Huawei Founder
From ACM Opinion

The ­S Cannot Crush ­s, Says Huawei Founder

The founder of Huawei has said there is "no way the US can crush" the company, in an exclusive interview with the BBC.

What It's Like to Fly in the Bermuda Triangle of Space
From ACM Opinion

What It's Like to Fly in the Bermuda Triangle of Space

"Before I became an astronaut, I had seen stories of astronauts who had seen white flashes from radiation while they flew in space," says Terry Virts, a former...

Defending Tor, Gateway to the Dark Web
From ACM Opinion

Defending Tor, Gateway to the Dark Web

When Roger Dingledine talks about the dark web, he waves his hands in the air, as if not quite convinced of its existence.

Maths Becomes Biology's Magic Number
From ACM Opinion

Maths Becomes Biology's Magic Number

"If you want a career in medicine these days you're better off studying mathematics or computing than biology."

How Will Virtual Reality Change Our Lives?
From ACM Opinion

How Will Virtual Reality Change Our Lives?

And it's not just gamers who are benefiting from the immersive possibilities it offers.

America's Crypto Battles
From ACM Opinion

America's Crypto Battles

John Miller reckons he can get into pretty much any safe.

Brynjolfsson and Mcafee: The Jobs that AI Can't Replace
From ACM Opinion

Brynjolfsson and Mcafee: The Jobs that AI Can't Replace

At the heart of capitalism is the concept of creative destruction.

Tony Fadell: What Will Google's $3.2bn Guru Do Next?
From ACM Opinion

Tony Fadell: What Will Google's $3.2bn Guru Do Next?

When Google paid $3.2bn (£2.1bn) to buy Tony Fadell's start-up Nest in 2014, it got much more than just an internet-connected thermostat and smoke detector.

Google's Vint Cerf Warns of 'digital Dark Age'
From ACM Opinion

Google's Vint Cerf Warns of 'digital Dark Age'

Vint Cerf, a "father of the internet", says he is worried that all the images and documents we have been saving on computers will eventually be lost.

AI Will Not Kill ­s, Says Microsoft Research Chief
From ACM Opinion

AI Will Not Kill ­s, Says Microsoft Research Chief

Microsoft Research's chief has said he thinks artificial intelligence systems could achieve consciousness, but has played down the threat to human life.

Stephen Hawking Warns Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Hawking Warns Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind

He told the BBC: "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."

The Defenders of Anonymity on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

The Defenders of Anonymity on the Internet

You may not realise it, but every time you open up your laptop or switch on your phone, you are at the heart of one of the greatest battles now taking place in...

Tor Project's Struggle to Keep the Dark Net in the Shadows
From ACM Opinion

Tor Project's Struggle to Keep the Dark Net in the Shadows

The BBC has interviewed Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project.
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