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Achievement in Microarchitecture
From Communications of the ACM

Achievement in Microarchitecture

David Papworth, a 30-year veteran of Intel, on what led to the P6 microprocessor and how that changed the microarchitectural paradigm.

Inspired by the Home of the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Inspired by the Home of the Future

2018 ACM Prize in Computing recipient Shwetak Patel pushes old tools to new heights.

This Is For Everyone
From Communications of the ACM

This Is For Everyone

Sir Tim Berners-Lee on the formative years of the world wide web, and the challenges it now faces.

Open Source Hardware: Seven Questions For Limor Fried
From ACM News

Open Source Hardware: Seven Questions For Limor Fried

Limor Fried discusses the future of the open source hardware movement, Facebook’s decision to open source its new data center, and being featured on the cover of...

Q&A: Systematic Thinking
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: Systematic Thinking

Andrew S. Tanenbaum talks about MINIX, microkernels, and electronic voting systems.
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