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Harnessing the Speed of Light
From ACM Opinion

Harnessing the Speed of Light

The fields of data communication, fabrication, and ultrasound imaging share a common challenge when it comes to improving speed and efficiency: light's diffraction...

The Complexonaut
From ACM Opinion

The Complexonaut

When he was in elementary school, Scott Aaronson, like many mathematically precocious kids of his generation, dreamed of making his own video games.

Social Physics
From ACM Opinion

Social Physics

Since 2001, the Human Dynamics Laboratory at the MIT Media Lab has used digital technologies—from home-brewed portable sensors to cellphone call records—to try...

Professor Emeritus Rodney Brooks Refines the Sequel to Irobot
From ACM Opinion

Professor Emeritus Rodney Brooks Refines the Sequel to Irobot

Professor emeritus Rodney Brooks gained fame in the 1990s for co-founding iRobot, an MIT spinoff that brought the world the Roomba and other innovative, helpful...

The Brains Behind Research on the Brain
From ACM Careers

The Brains Behind Research on the Brain

While studying physics and electrical engineering as an MIT undergraduate in the late 1990s, Mehmet Fatih Yanik managed to avoid taking any biology classes until...

Opening Dropbox
From ACM Opinion

Opening Dropbox

If you walk the halls at MIT, you may notice a lot of students wearing T-shirts bearing the Dropbox logo. It's a simple design—an opened box—but one that carries...

Sal Khan: 'i Love Learning'
From ACM Opinion

Sal Khan: 'i Love Learning'

"If there was a Ph.D. in learning everything, I would do that," the always-enthusiastic Sal Khan '98, MEng '98 said in a talk Wednesday at MIT's Kresge Auditorium...

Nate Silver Presents Forecasting Work as Antidote to 'terrible' Political Pundits
From ACM Opinion

Nate Silver Presents Forecasting Work as Antidote to 'terrible' Political Pundits

Celebrated political forecaster Nate Silver has shot to fame by letting the data speak loudly about elections.

3 Questions: A Web For Everyone
From ACM Opinion

3 Questions: A Web For Everyone

During the opening ceremonies of this summer’s Olympic games in London, a musical performance culminated with a stage-set house rising into the rafters to reveal...

MIT Alums Recount Their Martian Experiences
From ACM Opinion

MIT Alums Recount Their Martian Experiences

Since NASA's Curiosity rover made its extraordinary Aug. 6 touchdown on Mars, it has been roving the Martian landscape, returning startling images.

Connoisseur of Chaos
From ACM Opinion

Connoisseur of Chaos

As a high school student in a Detroit suburb in the 1990s, Russ Tedrake did not fit the standard profile of a future computer science professor.

Daniela Rus Named Csail Director
From ACM Careers

Daniela Rus Named Csail Director

Daniela Rus, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has been named the next director of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial...

The Robot Revolution Is Just Beginning
From ACM News

The Robot Revolution Is Just Beginning

When industrial robots were first introduced in the early 1960s initially on automobile assembly lines—computers were still in their infancy, so the robots were...

The Next Mars Rover
From ACM Opinion

The Next Mars Rover

Maria Zuber, the Earle A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics and Planetary Science and head of MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, says...
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