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What the Future of Work Means for Cities
From ACM Opinion

What the Future of Work Means for Cities

Two weeks ago, MIT's David Autor gave the prestigious Richard T. Ely lecture at the annual meeting of American economists in Atlanta. Introduced by the former chair...

This 'Gray Hat' Hacker Breaks Into Your Car, to Prove a Point
From ACM Opinion

This 'Gray Hat' Hacker Breaks Into Your Car, to Prove a Point

Cybercrime is expanding beyond computers and cellphones. Cars, washers and dryers, and even toasters are going online—an evolution of technology called the ...

President Trump's New Order Gives China Tech Opportunity To 'hire American' Too
From ACM Opinion

President Trump's New Order Gives China Tech Opportunity To 'hire American' Too

The same week that President Trump issued his hire American executive order, the president of one of China's top tech companies said his company wants to do the...

Left Behind in the Mobile Revolution, Intel Struggles to Innovate
From ACM Opinion

Left Behind in the Mobile Revolution, Intel Struggles to Innovate

Intel was once known for its success in branding personal computers with microprocessors, a technology that fueled the digital revolution. But the Silicon Valley...

Grandfather of Vr: The Virtual Can Show the Beauty of the Real
From ACM Opinion

Grandfather of Vr: The Virtual Can Show the Beauty of the Real

Thomas Furness is known as the pioneer who stood at the inception of what we know today as virtual reality.

Attention White-Collar Workers: The Robots Are Coming For Your Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Attention White-Collar Workers: The Robots Are Coming For Your Jobs

From the self-checkout aisle of the grocery store to the sports section of the newspaper, robots and computer software are increasingly taking the place of humans...

How The Cold War And George Orwell Helped Make The Internet What It Is
From ACM Opinion

How The Cold War And George Orwell Helped Make The Internet What It Is

The story of how the digital age came to be involves a cast of more than 40 people, ranging from a 19th century English countess to California hippies.

Yahoo Buys News App from British Teenager For a Reported $30 Million
From ACM Opinion

Yahoo Buys News App from British Teenager For a Reported $30 Million

When Yahoo was founded in 1995, Nick D'Aloisio wasn't even born yet. He says he taught himself to program computers using books and video tutorials.
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