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authorThe Atlantic

Could Quantum Computing Be the End of Free Will?
From ACM Opinion

Could Quantum Computing Be the End of Free Will?

Faster, more powerful computing has the potential to revolutionize fields from drug delivery to freight transportation.

The Man With the Most Valuable Work Experience in the World
From ACM Opinion

The Man With the Most Valuable Work Experience in the World

Chris Urmson led Google's self-driving car team from its early days all the way until the company shed its Google skin and emerged under the Alphabet umbrella as...

The Internet of Things Needs a Code of Ethics
From ACM Opinion

The Internet of Things Needs a Code of Ethics

In October, when malware called Mirai took over poorly secured webcams and DVRs, and used them to disrupt internet access across the United States, I wondered who...

Incessant Consumer Surveillance Is Leaking Into Physical Stores
From ACM Opinion

Incessant Consumer Surveillance Is Leaking Into Physical Stores

You just wanted to shop for a birthday gift in peace—instead, you got ads that follow you around the internet, and coupons in your email that remember exactly which...

The Long and Winding History of Encryption
From ACM Opinion

The Long and Winding History of Encryption

Never in history have more people had access to advanced encryption in their homes, offices, and pockets.

Ron Wyden: Lonely Hero of the Battle Against the Surveillance State
From ACM Opinion

Ron Wyden: Lonely Hero of the Battle Against the Surveillance State

When historians write about the civil-liberties crisis of this decade, the story will be full of vivid figures—Bradley, now Chelsea, Manning, the fragile soldier...

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun
From ACM Opinion

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun

From state-sponsored cyberattacks to autonomous robotic weapons, 21st century war is increasingly disembodied.

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the Ftc's New Approach to Privacy
From ACM Opinion

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the Ftc's New Approach to Privacy

A mile or two away from Facebook's headquarters in Silicon Valley, Helen Nissenbaum of New York University was standing in a basement on Stanford's campus explaining...
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