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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorThe Guardian

Can a Chatbot Teach You a Foreign Language? Duolingo Thinks So
From ACM Opinion

Can a Chatbot Teach You a Foreign Language? Duolingo Thinks So

Chatbots suck.

Are the Robots About to Rise?
From ACM Opinion

Are the Robots About to Rise?

It's hard to know where to start with Ray Kurzweil.

Google Chief ­rges Action to Regulate Mini-Drones
From ACM Opinion

Google Chief ­rges Action to Regulate Mini-Drones

The influential head of Google, Eric Schmidt, has called for civilian drone technology to be regulated, warning about privacy and security concerns.

Google's Eric Schmidt: Drone Wars, Virtual Kidnaps, and Privacy For Kids
From ACM Opinion

Google's Eric Schmidt: Drone Wars, Virtual Kidnaps, and Privacy For Kids

Google's chairman has sketched out a future world in which cyberterrorists are targeted by government drone strikes, online identities are taken hostage and held...
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