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Lina Khan, a Big Tech Critic, Tries Answering Detractors
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Lina Khan, a Big Tech Critic, Tries Answering Detractors

In an interview, the FTC chair lays out some of her plans now that she has a Democratic majority at the agency.

A Case for Banning Facial Recognition
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A Case for Banning Facial Recognition

A Google research scientist explains why she thinks the police shouldn't use facial recognition software.

Limiting Your Digital Footprints in a Surveillance State
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Limiting Your Digital Footprints in a Surveillance State

What are your most important tech tools for reporting in Shanghai, especially with a government known for surveillance?

To Cover China, There's No Substitute for WeChat
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To Cover China, There's No Substitute for WeChat

How do New York Times journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? Li Yuan, a technology columnist in Hong Kong, discussed the tech she's...

In Reporting on North Korea, Tech Helps Break Through Secrecy
From ACM Opinion

In Reporting on North Korea, Tech Helps Break Through Secrecy

How do New York Times journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? Choe Sang-Hun, The Times's Korea correspondent who is based in Seoul...

Ron Wyden Discusses Encryption, Data Privacy and Security
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Ron Wyden Discusses Encryption, Data Privacy and Security

Ron Wyden, U.S. senator from Oregon and a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, recently talked about the privacy-versus-security debate.

A Russian Cybersleuth Battles the 'dark Ages' of the Internet
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A Russian Cybersleuth Battles the 'dark Ages' of the Internet

A sense of menace stirs right off the elevator on the fifth floor of Kaspersky Lab's Moscow headquarters, where a small television screen displays cyberthreatsa...

Eske Willerslev Is Rewriting History With Dna
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Eske Willerslev Is Rewriting History With Dna

As a boy growing up in Denmark, Eske Willerslev could not wait to leave Gentofte, his suburban hometown. As soon as he was old enough, he would strike out for the...

Europe's Antitrust Enforcer on Google, Apple and the Year Ahead
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Europe's Antitrust Enforcer on Google, Apple and the Year Ahead

Margrethe Vestager is already having a busy 2016.

Google Search Chief Amit Singhal Talks Searching Apps
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Google Search Chief Amit Singhal Talks Searching Apps

Amit Singhal, Google's search chief, has spent the past 15 years creating the miracle that is the Google search box.

Behind the Downfall at Blackberry
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Behind the Downfall at Blackberry

Ever since Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis stepped down as co-chairmen and co-chief executives of BlackBerry, neither has spoken much in public about the once-dominant...

Astro Teller, Google's ‘captain of Moonshots,' on Making Profits at Google X
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Astro Teller, Google's ‘captain of Moonshots,' on Making Profits at Google X

Google is all over the place.

Tim O'reilly Explains the Internet of Things
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Tim O'reilly Explains the Internet of Things

Tim O'Reilly has been at the cutting edge of the Internet since it went commercial.

Megan Smith: 'you Can Affect Billions of People'
From ACM Opinion

Megan Smith: 'you Can Affect Billions of People'

Now that you work at the White House, approximately how many times a day do you find yourself thinking, God, we did this so much better at Google?

New N.s.a. Chief Calls Damage From Snowden Leaks Manageable
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New N.s.a. Chief Calls Damage From Snowden Leaks Manageable

The newly installed director of the National Security Agency says that while he has seen some terrorist groups alter their communications to avoid surveillance...

Larry Page on Google's Many Arms
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Larry Page on Google's Many Arms

One way to think of Google is as an extremely helpful, all-knowing, hyper-intelligent executive assistant.

A Conversation With Danah Boyd, Author of 'it's Complicated,' About Teenagers Online
From ACM Opinion

A Conversation With Danah Boyd, Author of 'it's Complicated,' About Teenagers Online

Danah Boyd is a principal researcher at Microsoft Research, a research assistant professor in Media, Culture and Communication at New York University, and a fellow...

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role
From ACM Opinion

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role

Q. What leadership lessons have you learned from your predecessor, Steve Ballmer?

Ann Cavoukian
From ACM Opinion

Ann Cavoukian

Ann Cavoukian is the information and privacy commissioner in Ontario, Canada, and a longtime advocate of default online confidentiality.

Viewing Where the Internet Goes
From ACM Opinion

Viewing Where the Internet Goes

Will 2014 be the year that the Internet is reined in?
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