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How to Build Your Own Moonshot Lab, According to Astro Teller
From ACM Opinion

How to Build Your Own Moonshot Lab, According to Astro Teller

From balloon-based Internet to self-driving cars, Astro Teller and his team have produced some of the world's most ambitious technology products.

The Inventor of the Web Predicts 'a Massive Outcry' Over Online Privacy
From ACM Opinion

The Inventor of the Web Predicts 'a Massive Outcry' Over Online Privacy

More than two decades ago, Tim Berners-Lee invented the thing you're using to read this story right now—the World Wide Web.

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'

On a sleek white coffee table in Apple CEO Tim Cook's fourth-floor office in late July, beneath framed posters of Robert F. Kennedy, the Rev. Martin Luther King...

5 Insights from Vint Cerf on Bitcoin, Net Neutrality and More
From ACM Opinion

5 Insights from Vint Cerf on Bitcoin, Net Neutrality and More

When Vint Cerf, often called the "father of the Internet," is speaking, it's wise to listen.

Why the Death of Net Neutrality Would Be a Disaster For Libraries
From ACM Opinion

Why the Death of Net Neutrality Would Be a Disaster For Libraries

The Internet's eyes turned to the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday, as the panel approved a plan to consider allowing Internet service providers to...

The Head of Google X Thinks We're All Too Risk-Averse
From ACM Opinion

The Head of Google X Thinks We're All Too Risk-Averse

Google X is responsible for some of Google's most literally fantastic projects: Google Glass, self-driving cars, gigantic inflatable balloons that beam Internet...

Nsa Chief Defends Collecting Americans' Data
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Chief Defends Collecting Americans' Data

The head of the National Security Agency delivered a vigorous defense Wednesday of his agency's collection of Americans' phone records for counterterrorism purposes...

Google Maps Trained ­S to Follow Directions. Now Its Former Developer Wants ­S to Explore.
From ACM Opinion

Google Maps Trained ­S to Follow Directions. Now Its Former Developer Wants ­S to Explore.

It's not evident from the way his hair flops casually down and across, nor from his equally relaxed demeanor, but John Hanke is one of Google's most important idea...
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