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AI Is Not A-OK
From ACM Opinion

AI Is Not A-OK

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt says humans will need to find a way to coexist with artificial intelligence

Henry Kissinger's Last Crusade: Stopping Dangerous AI
From ACM Opinion

Henry Kissinger's Last Crusade: Stopping Dangerous AI

Former secretary of state has a whole new area of interest: artificial intelligence

Does AI Have an Alignment Problem?
From ACM Opinion

Does AI Have an Alignment Problem?

The problems and the possibilities of AI are, in a very deep way, the problems and possibilities of humanity.

AI May Have a Lot to Learn From Children
From ACM Opinion

AI May Have a Lot to Learn From Children

Exploratory learning, the kind that is exhibited by children, might better inform AI development than the habitual learning processes employed by adults, according...

Jeff Hawkins Is Finally Ready to Explain His Brain Research
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Hawkins Is Finally Ready to Explain His Brain Research

The Man Who Helped Turn Toronto Into a High-Tech Hotbed
From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Helped Turn Toronto Into a High-Tech Hotbed

As an undergraduate at Cambridge University, Geoffrey Everest Hinton thought a lot about the brain. He wanted to better understand how it worked but was frustrated...

He Helped Create the 'google Brain.' Here's What He Thinks About AI Now
From ACM Opinion

He Helped Create the 'google Brain.' Here's What He Thinks About AI Now

Trucks that can drive themselves along delivery routes. Computers capable of defeating world champions in a notoriously complex game. Apps that can translate sentences...

The Problem With Google's 'star Trek' Computer
From ACM Opinion

The Problem With Google's 'star Trek' Computer

Google is hoping to develop its Assistant, a Siri-like technology to be included on the company's new smartphones and other products, into something like the computer...

IBM Researcher: Fears Over Artificial Intelligence Are 'overblown'
From ACM Opinion

IBM Researcher: Fears Over Artificial Intelligence Are 'overblown'

The debate over artificial intelligence has divided some of Silicon Valley's brightest minds.

Astro Teller, Google's ‘captain of Moonshots,' on Making Profits at Google X
From ACM Opinion

Astro Teller, Google's ‘captain of Moonshots,' on Making Profits at Google X

Google is all over the place.

The Robot in the Cloud: A Conversation With Ken Goldberg
From ACM TechNews

The Robot in the Cloud: A Conversation With Ken Goldberg

University of California, Berkeley professor Ken Goldberg is establishing a research center that will focus on developing surgical robots.

Larry Page on Google's Many Arms
From ACM Opinion

Larry Page on Google's Many Arms

One way to think of Google is as an extremely helpful, all-knowing, hyper-intelligent executive assistant.

Google Puts Money on Robots, ­sing the Man Behind Android
From ACM Opinion

Google Puts Money on Robots, ­sing the Man Behind Android

In an out-of-the-way Google office, two life-size humanoid robots hang suspended in a corner.

The Science Author Clive Thompson Does Not Think Tech Is Ruining Your Mind
From ACM TechNews

The Science Author Clive Thompson Does Not Think Tech Is Ruining Your Mind

Technology writer Clive Thompson believes technology is improving human intelligence. 

Jeff Hawkins Develops a Brainy Big Data Company
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Hawkins Develops a Brainy Big Data Company

Jeff Hawkins has been a pioneer of mobile devices, a distinguished lecturer in neuroscience, and a published author of a revolutionary theory of how the brain works...

Mow Yard. Drop Off Kids. Take a Drive on Mars.
From ACM Careers

Mow Yard. Drop Off Kids. Take a Drive on Mars.

Matt Heverly, 36, started a recent workday as any young father might: up at 5:30, gulping coffee, fixing a bottle for the baby. 

Epic Mickey Creator Wants to 'shame' Doom and ­nreal Makers: Why He's Not Wrong
From ACM Opinion

Epic Mickey Creator Wants to 'shame' Doom and ­nreal Makers: Why He's Not Wrong

I never got around to playing Epic Mickey, and that’s a shame, because I’ve played nearly everything else by game design luminary Warren Spector.

One on One: Jaron Lanier
From ACM Opinion

One on One: Jaron Lanier

Jaron Lanier, a partner architect at Microsoft Research, has had a long and varied career in technology. Mr. Lanier popularized the term "virtual reality" in...

10 Questions For David Ferrucci
From ACM News

10 Questions For David Ferrucci

Why aren't you letting Watson speak for himself today? Watson is trained to answer questions for Jeopardy! It's not an interactive dialogue system, so it can't...

Generations Homo-Zapiens
From ACM TechNews

Generations Homo-Zapiens

Information technology (IT) will become increasingly organic and humans will get closer to technology, predicts Eurotech Spa President and CEO Roberto Siagri. By...
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