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The Father of Web3 Wants You to Trust Less
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The Father of Web3 Wants You to Trust Less

Gavin Wood believes decentralized technologies are the only hope of preserving liberal democracy

Imagining AI's Potential for Good
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Imagining AI's Potential for Good

Kai-Fu Lee and Yoky Matsuoka discuss "human-in-the-loop" technology, and how AI might be used for health and caregiving

Artificial Intelligence Needs to Slow Down
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Artificial Intelligence Needs to Slow Down

Timnit Gebru believes the incentives around AI research are all wrong

Alondra Nelson Wants to Make Science and Tech More Just
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Alondra Nelson Wants to Make Science and Tech More Just

The deputy director of the White House science office plans to tackle algorithmic bias and start candid conversations about the past.

If Done Right, AI Could Make Policing Fairer
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If Done Right, AI Could Make Policing Fairer

Stanford's Fei-Fei Li says technology should be developed in an inclusive way that reflects our values.

Caroline Criado Perez Explains the 'Gender Data Gap'
From ACM Opinion

Caroline Criado Perez Explains the 'Gender Data Gap'

In Invisible Women, Caroline Criado Perez examines elements of the modern world that appear to be designed with less consideration for women, including smartphones...

The ­ncanny Valley Nobody's Talking About: Eerie Robot Voices
From ACM Opinion

The ­ncanny Valley Nobody's Talking About: Eerie Robot Voices

Call it the Great Convergence of Creepiness. The first bit, the uncanny valley, we're all familiar with by now: If a humanoid robot looks super realistic, but not...

Why Silicon Valley Should Fear Europe's Competition Chief
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Why Silicon Valley Should Fear Europe's Competition Chief

Margrethe Vestager, the European commissioner for competition, is surely the most feared person in Silicon Valley.

The Dangers of Keeping Women Out of Tech
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The Dangers of Keeping Women Out of Tech

Maria Klawe has done what tech has not. For the past 11 years, she has served as the president of Harvey Mudd College­, where the number of women in its computer...

The Fake News Culprit No One Wants to Identify: You
From ACM Opinion

The Fake News Culprit No One Wants to Identify: You

Data & Society founder and Microsoft researcher danah boyd discusses the shifting public discourse around online disinformation campaigns, and what role the tech...

The Quantum Spy Author David Ignatius on the Future of High-Tech Espionage
From ACM Opinion

The Quantum Spy Author David Ignatius on the Future of High-Tech Espionage

The intersection of quantum computing and espionage may feel like a faraway future. But in his latest novel, David Ignatius, Washington's own John le Carré, tackles...

Author Franklin Foer on Controlling the Power of Big Tech
From ACM Opinion

Author Franklin Foer on Controlling the Power of Big Tech

Franklin Foer is the author of World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech, a critique of the power held by the big tech companies, and the way it is...

Algorithms Have Already Gone Rogue
From ACM Opinion

Algorithms Have Already Gone Rogue

For more than two decades, Tim O'Reilly has been the conscience of the tech industry.

What Is Ray Kurzweil ­p To at Google? Writing Your Emails
From ACM Opinion

What Is Ray Kurzweil ­p To at Google? Writing Your Emails

Ray Kurzweil has invented a few things in his time.

Crispr Creator Jennifer Doudna on the Promises, and Pitfalls, of Easy Genetic Modification
From ACM Opinion

Crispr Creator Jennifer Doudna on the Promises, and Pitfalls, of Easy Genetic Modification

For $150, you can buy a Crispr kit online and use it to engineer heartier gut bacteria in your kitchen.

How Steve Wozniak Got Over His Fear of Robots Turning People Into Pets
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How Steve Wozniak Got Over His Fear of Robots Turning People Into Pets

Steve Wozniak is one half of Silicon Valley's most prototypical founder's myth.

The Former Secretary of Defense Outlines the Future of Warfare
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The Former Secretary of Defense Outlines the Future of Warfare

To an engineer in Silicon Valley, the Defense Department can look a little old, a little slow, and a little fat.

Inside Nat Geo's Incredible Documentary Mission to Mars
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Inside Nat Geo's Incredible Documentary Mission to Mars

A spaceship is preparing to land on Mars when the crew notices that one of the thrusters isn’t firing.

Obama's Concerned an AI Could Hack America's Nukes
From ACM Opinion

Obama's Concerned an AI Could Hack America's Nukes

During his eight years in office, President Barack Obama has seen hackers grow into a threat no president has faced before.

How One Journalist ­ses Social Media to Get Inside the Minds of Isis
From ACM Opinion

How One Journalist ­ses Social Media to Get Inside the Minds of Isis

Rukmini Callimachi is arguably the best reporter on the most impor­tant beat in the world. As a New York Times correspondent covering terrorism, her work explores...
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