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Why Silicon Valley Should Fear Europe's Competition Chief
From ACM Opinion

Why Silicon Valley Should Fear Europe's Competition Chief

Margrethe Vestager, the European commissioner for competition, is surely the most feared person in Silicon Valley.

What Is Ray Kurzweil ­p To at Google? Writing Your Emails
From ACM Opinion

What Is Ray Kurzweil ­p To at Google? Writing Your Emails

Ray Kurzweil has invented a few things in his time.

How Google Copes When Even It Can't Afford Enough Gear
From ACM Opinion

How Google Copes When Even It Can't Afford Enough Gear

Urs Hölzle has a big job.

How One Journalist ­ses Social Media to Get Inside the Minds of Isis
From ACM Opinion

How One Journalist ­ses Social Media to Get Inside the Minds of Isis

Rukmini Callimachi is arguably the best reporter on the most impor­tant beat in the world. As a New York Times correspondent covering terrorism, her work explores...

It's Been 20 Years Since This Man Declared Cyberspace Independence
From ACM Opinion

It's Been 20 Years Since This Man Declared Cyberspace Independence

When digital dystopians and critics of Internet libertarians need a rhetorical dart board, they often pull out a document written by John Perry Barlow, co-founder...

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity
From ACM Opinion

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity

No one ever accused Mark Zuckerberg of standing pat.

Meet the Data Brains Behind the Rise of Facebook
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Data Brains Behind the Rise of Facebook

Jay Parikh sits at a desk inside Building 16 at Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California, and his administrative assistant, Genie Samuel, sits next to...

Meet the Man Who's Rewiring Google From the Inside Out
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who's Rewiring Google From the Inside Out

It was a tweet that fired the imagination like few others. On May 10, 2011, at 1:35 in the afternoon, Eric Brewer told the world he was redesigning the most important...

Google Shaman Explains Mysteries of 'compute Engine'
From ACM News

Google Shaman Explains Mysteries of 'compute Engine'

Google started work on the Google Compute Engine over a year and a half ago, and it was all Peter Magnusson could do to keep his mouth shut.

From ACM News

Google's Data Center Engineer Shares Secrets of 'warehouse' Computing

 Luiz André Barroso doesn't see Google's data centers as data centers. He sees them as computers the size of warehouses.

From ACM News

The 'Panda' That Hates Farms: A Q&A With Google

Google's new update to its search engine addressed the growing complaint that low-quality content sites (derisively referred to as content farms) were ranked higher...
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