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Promoting Women in Science
From ACM TechNews

Promoting Women in Science

Utrecht University professor Lynda Hardman discusses the pressing need to promote participation of women in science in the Netherlands. 

Left Behind in the Mobile Revolution, Intel Struggles to Innovate
From ACM Opinion

Left Behind in the Mobile Revolution, Intel Struggles to Innovate

Intel was once known for its success in branding personal computers with microprocessors, a technology that fueled the digital revolution. But the Silicon Valley...

This Top Scientist Offers a Solution For the Havoc Driverless Cars May Wreck on Workers
From ACM Opinion

This Top Scientist Offers a Solution For the Havoc Driverless Cars May Wreck on Workers

Proponents of autonomous vehicles are in a sticky situation.

New Encryption Technology Is Aiding Terrorists, Intelligence Director Says
From ACM Opinion

New Encryption Technology Is Aiding Terrorists, Intelligence Director Says

The Edward Snowden leaks have accelerated the sophistication of encryption technologies by "about seven years," Director of National Intelligence James Clapper...

Why The Fbi Director Puts Tape Over His Webcam
From ACM Opinion

Why The Fbi Director Puts Tape Over His Webcam

FBI Director James Comey gave a speech this week about encryption and privacy, repeating his argument that "absolute privacy" hampers law enforcement. But it was...

The Man Selling Shovels in the Machine-Learning Gold Rush
From ACM Opinion

The Man Selling Shovels in the Machine-Learning Gold Rush

Jen-Hsun Huang, CEO of the chipmaker Nvidia, is either very prescient or very lucky.

Why a Chatbot Creeped Out Microsoft's AI-Focused Ceo
From ACM Opinion

Why a Chatbot Creeped Out Microsoft's AI-Focused Ceo

In February, Microsoft Corp. Vice President Derrick Connell visited the Bing search team in Hyderabad, India, to oversee a Monday morning hackathon.

Linux at 25: Q&a With Linus Torvalds
From ACM Opinion

Linux at 25: Q&a With Linus Torvalds

Linus Torvalds created the original core of the Linux operating system in 1991 as a computer science student at the University of Helsinki in Finland.

From Reagan's Cyber Plan to Apple Vs. Fbi: 'everything Is ­p For Grabs'
From ACM Opinion

From Reagan's Cyber Plan to Apple Vs. Fbi: 'everything Is ­p For Grabs'

The heated debate between the FBI and Apple over the encryption of the iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the two people who massacred 14 people in San Bernardino...

Inside Apple Ceo Tim Cook's Fight With the Fbi
From ACM Opinion

Inside Apple Ceo Tim Cook's Fight With the Fbi

Cyberwar, Out of the Shadows
From ACM Opinion

Cyberwar, Out of the Shadows

A hacking attack on a Las Vegas hotel company. A power grid blackout in the Ukraine. A series of industrial accidents at an Iranian nuclear enrichment lab.

Head of British Intelligence Agency on Apple, Snowden, and Regrets
From ACM Opinion

Head of British Intelligence Agency on Apple, Snowden, and Regrets

Shortly after Robert Hannigan took over the British signals-intelligence agency GCHQ in 2014, he implored technology companies to do more to facilitate investigations...

Surprising Tips from a Super-Hacker
From ACM Opinion

Surprising Tips from a Super-Hacker

Virtually everyone in technology knows about Kevin Mitnick, who in the 1970s, '80s and '90s was a notorious fugitive hacker on the run from the FBI.

Europe's Antitrust Enforcer on Google, Apple and the Year Ahead
From ACM Opinion

Europe's Antitrust Enforcer on Google, Apple and the Year Ahead

Margrethe Vestager is already having a busy 2016.

Why Digital Security Is an 'arms Race' Between Firms and the Feds
From ACM Opinion

Why Digital Security Is an 'arms Race' Between Firms and the Feds

The Apple-FBI standoff, where Apple is refusing to write special software that would help investigators crack into an iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters...

Snowden Lawyer: Bill of Rights Was Meant to Make Government's Job 'more Difficult'
From ACM Opinion

Snowden Lawyer: Bill of Rights Was Meant to Make Government's Job 'more Difficult'

Ben Wizner, a top attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union, is probably best known for being one of the lawyers representing Ed Snowden, the former National...

Nsa Chief: 'paris Would Not Have Happened' Without Encrypted Apps
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Chief: 'paris Would Not Have Happened' Without Encrypted Apps

National Security Agency Director Adm. Michael Rogers warns that encryption is making it "much more difficult" for the agency to intercept the communications of...

It's Been 20 Years Since This Man Declared Cyberspace Independence
From ACM Opinion

It's Been 20 Years Since This Man Declared Cyberspace Independence

When digital dystopians and critics of Internet libertarians need a rhetorical dart board, they often pull out a document written by John Perry Barlow, co-founder...

Why Safe Harbor 2.0 Will Lose Again
From ACM Opinion

Why Safe Harbor 2.0 Will Lose Again

Over the weekend, negotiators from the European Union's executive body, and the US Federal Trade Commission worked frantically to thrash out a deal to allow transatlantic...

Will Machines Eliminate ­s?
From ACM Opinion

Will Machines Eliminate ­s?

Yoshua Bengio leads one of the world's preëminent research groups developing a powerful AI technique known as deep learning.
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