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Is This Data Scientist a Consumer's Best Friend?
From ACM Opinion

Is This Data Scientist a Consumer's Best Friend?

In Oren Etzioni's world, telling you where to buy a product is so 20 years ago.

Seven Questions About Analytics For Ibm's Mike Rhodin
From ACM Opinion

Seven Questions About Analytics For Ibm's Mike Rhodin

You can't go very far with IBM before you hear the word "analytics."

Facebook's Telescope on Human Behavior
From ACM Opinion

Facebook's Telescope on Human Behavior

Cameron Marlow, the leader of Facebook's efforts to mine its piles of data, says the effort can help explain why people act as they do.

Q&A: Chief Strategiest
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: Chief Strategiest

ACM CEO John White talks about initiatives to serve the organization's professional members, increase international activities, and reform computer science education...

From ACM News

Google's Data Center Engineer Shares Secrets of 'warehouse' Computing

 Luiz André Barroso doesn't see Google's data centers as data centers. He sees them as computers the size of warehouses.

Why America's Spies Struggle To Keep ­p
From ACM Opinion

Why America's Spies Struggle To Keep ­p

Before Sept. 11, 2011, there were 16 intelligence agencies in the United States.

Marc Andreessen: Predictions For 2012 (and Beyond)
From ACM Opinion

Marc Andreessen: Predictions For 2012 (and Beyond)

Marc Andreessen's view of the world boils down to software.

From ACM News

You Are Data

Bits and Base Pairs explores the concept that the information encoded in our DNA can be compressed down to just 4MB, the equivalent, for example, of "the three...

IBM Bets on Data-Centric Computing
From ACM News

IBM Bets on Data-Centric Computing

Jai Menon, chief technology officer and vice-president for technical strategy for IBM's Systems and Technology Group, holds 52 patents and is arguably most famous...

Above the Clouds: An Interview With Armando Fox
From ACM TechNews

Above the Clouds: An Interview With Armando Fox

University of California, Berkeley professor Armando Fox, co-founder of the Reliable, Adaptive, and Distributed Systems Laboratory, co-wrote a paper that outlined...

Seven Questions For Iridium Ceo Matthew Desch
From ACM Opinion

Seven Questions For Iridium Ceo Matthew Desch

More often than not, the Iridium satellite phone system is remembered as one of the great telecom flameouts of the 1990s. It almost became a literal one: At one...

Seven Questions For Rackspace Cto John Engates
From ACM Opinion

Seven Questions For Rackspace Cto John Engates

In a completely rational world, Rackspace would no longer be a independent company. The Web host that has in recent years veered into the cloud services business...

Seven Questions For Prith Banerjee, Hewlett-Packard's Head of Research
From ACM News

Seven Questions For Prith Banerjee, Hewlett-Packard's Head of Research

It's been about two months since Hewlett-Packard’s new CEO Léo Apotheker put the company on a new cloud-centric path as part of a big speech laying out a new strategy...

An Interview with Steve Furber
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Steve Furber

Steve Furber, designer of the seminal BBC Microcomputer System and the widely used ARM microprocessor, reflects on his career.

Assange on Secrecy, China, and Wikileaks' Growth
From ACM Opinion

Assange on Secrecy, China, and Wikileaks' Growth

"Secrecy is important for many things," said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in an interview with Time over Skype on Monday. Managing editor Richard Stengel...

Data Mining Is Shaping Our World. Are We Ready For It?
From ACM Opinion

Data Mining Is Shaping Our World. Are We Ready For It?

Each day we exchange a mess of content through Facebook, Twitter, blogs, discussion boards and other online forums. How are companies and other organizations using...

Virtual Privacy
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Privacy

Northeastern University professor Alan Mislove, whose research focuses on how people interact in the virtual world, says that many patterns of human interaction...

An Interview with Ed Feigenbaum
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Ed Feigenbaum

ACM Fellow and A.M. Turing Award recipient Edward A. Feigenbaum, a pioneer in the field of expert systems, reflects on his career.

Wendy Hall on What Web Science Could Mean For Businesses
From ACM TechNews

Wendy Hall on What Web Science Could Mean For Businesses

Professor Dame Wendy Hall, who is involved in the newly founded Institute of Web Science, says the field is experiencing rapid growth as governments increasingly...

How the Internet Will Change the World
From ACM TechNews

How the Internet Will Change the World

Pew Internet & American Life Project director Lee Rainie discusses the results of a survey of experts on how technology will develop and impact society in the year...
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