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Android Design Chief Details Google's Mobile Future

By most measures, the Android platform is an enormous success. It dominates the smartphone space in terms of market share, with over a quarter of a billion currently...

From ACM Opinion

Even Woz Thinks the Android Bests the Iphone

Apple CEO Steve Jobs hated the Android smartphone operating system so much that he vowed he would spend his last dying breath and every penny Apple had in the bank...

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Google's Data Center Engineer Shares Secrets of 'warehouse' Computing

 Luiz André Barroso doesn't see Google's data centers as data centers. He sees them as computers the size of warehouses.

From ACM Opinion

Looking Backward to Put New Technologies in Focus

More than most of us, the science historian George Dyson spends his days thinking about technologies, old and very new.

Why America's Spies Struggle To Keep ­p
From ACM Opinion

Why America's Spies Struggle To Keep ­p

Before Sept. 11, 2011, there were 16 intelligence agencies in the United States.

Stephen Hawking's New Pc
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Hawking's New Pc

Intel application engineer Travis Bonifield has been working closely with Hawking to communicate with the world for a decade.

Q&a with Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto
From ACM Opinion

Q&a with Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto

It was a tough year for Nintendo. Revenue at the venerable game company plunged. Its stock price was cut in half. And initial sales of its new 3DS handheld game...

From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Saves Stephen Hawking's Voice

Sam Blackburn has been responsible for the technology which allows Stephen Hawking to communicate for the past five years. Now he's moving on. The challenge for...

Marc Andreessen: Predictions For 2012 (and Beyond)
From ACM Opinion

Marc Andreessen: Predictions For 2012 (and Beyond)

Marc Andreessen's view of the world boils down to software.

I Want to Give Poor Children Computers and Walk Away
From ACM Opinion

I Want to Give Poor Children Computers and Walk Away

Can tablet computers "parachuted" into remote areas transform childhood learning, asks Nicholas Negroponte, the man behind One Laptop per Child.

Nokia's Stephen Elop Speaks
From ACM Opinion

Nokia's Stephen Elop Speaks

A little more than a year ago, Microsoft veteran Stephen Elop agreed to become CEO of Nokia, the world's largest maker of mobile handsets. Elop's job at the Finnish...

Five Questions with Astronaut Rex Walheim
From ACM Careers

Five Questions with Astronaut Rex Walheim

Rex Walheim is an astronaut. He's gone to space three times, including on the last flight of the space shuttle. He has spent an accumulated 36 hours outside the...

Carrier Iq Gets Transparent About Its Mobile Monitoring
From ACM Opinion

Carrier Iq Gets Transparent About Its Mobile Monitoring

It's been a tumultuous few weeks for Carrier IQ, the mobile analytics outfit at the center of a continuing privacy brouhaha over what its diagnostic software...

Walter Isaacson, Biographer of Steve Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Walter Isaacson, Biographer of Steve Jobs

I’ve known Steve off and on since 1984. I was at Time magazine and he came to our offices to show us the original Macintosh. He was talking about these icons...

From ACM Opinion

Stephen King's Rules For Time Travel

If you're going to travel back in time, author Stephen King says, preparation is everything. The further back you go, the more you have to think about.

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots
From ACM Opinion

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots

It's no surprise that uber-geek and iRobot CEO Colin Angle is a Star Wars fan.

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future
From ACM News

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future

Censorship is the biggest threat to the development of the Internet, according to Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales.

Web Security Expert Warns Of Cyber World War
From ACM Opinion

Web Security Expert Warns Of Cyber World War

Eugene Kaspersky is not given to easy hyperbole. But the Russian maths genius who founded an internet security empire with a global reach, clutched at his thick...

From ACM News

Kevin Mitnick Rates Today's Blackhats

Kevin Mitnick was hacking when the LulzSec kids were still in training pants.

Jack Zylkin, ­sb Typewriter Guy
From ACM Opinion

Jack Zylkin, ­sb Typewriter Guy

Jack Zylkin created the USB Typewriter. I interviewed him about his creation, the response he's received, and why people are so interested in "the muggle magic...
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