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Q&A with Google's Bill Magro
From ACM Opinion

Q&A with Google's Bill Magro

Google's new chief technologist of HPC talks quantum computers, AI, cloud, silicone packaging, interconnect technology, and expanding HPC's reach.

An Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'
From ACM Opinion

An Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

Veteran chip designer covers his past lives, Moore's Law, AI-designed chips, security, ethics, and more.

When AI Becomes Child's Play
From ACM Opinion

When AI Becomes Child's Play

Algorithms trained in pattern recognition struggle to understand kids.

Are We Waiting for Everyone to Get Hacked?
From ACM Opinion

Are We Waiting for Everyone to Get Hacked?

Leon Panetta is one of the few American government officials who can look around at the nation's rolling cyberdisasters and justifiably say, “I told you so.”

Does AI Have an Alignment Problem?
From ACM Opinion

Does AI Have an Alignment Problem?

The problems and the possibilities of AI are, in a very deep way, the problems and possibilities of humanity.

Self-Driving Cars Might Never Be Able to Drive Themselves
From ACM Opinion

Self-Driving Cars Might Never Be Able to Drive Themselves

Producing truly autonomous vehicles requires a fundamental shift in current approaches.

Shoshana Zuboff: Why You Should Care About Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Shoshana Zuboff: Why You Should Care About Privacy

The author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism talks about why people should pay attention to how big tech companies are using their information.

Understanding the Differences Between Biological and Computer Vision
From ACM Opinion

Understanding the Differences Between Biological and Computer Vision

Harvard Medical University Professor Gabriel Kreiman provides an account of how humans and animals process visual data and how far techno come toward replicating...

Quantifying Uncertainty in Deep Learning
From ACM Opinion

Quantifying Uncertainty in Deep Learning

Aalto University Professor Arno Solin discusses how to improve deep learning uncertainty with doctoral student Lassi Meronen.

Professor Advocates Taking AI Research Back to Its Roots
From ACM Opinion

Professor Advocates Taking AI Research Back to Its Roots

To build a general artificial intelligence, we may need to know more about our own minds, argues computer scientist Melanie Mitchell.

AI Drives Crossword-Solving Program to Tournament Victory
From ACM Opinion

AI Drives Crossword-Solving Program to Tournament Victory

Plagued by unifinished crossword puzzles? Matt Ginsberg, a pro crossword writer and AI scientist, wrote a program that solves crosswords.

AI May Have a Lot to Learn From Children
From ACM Opinion

AI May Have a Lot to Learn From Children

Exploratory learning, the kind that is exhibited by children, might better inform AI development than the habitual learning processes employed by adults, according...

Vivienne Sze: Crossing the Hardware-Software Divide for Efficient AI
From ACM Opinion

Vivienne Sze: Crossing the Hardware-Software Divide for Efficient AI

MIT Associate Professor Vivienne Sze discusses why we need low-power AI now, and more.

Devavrat Shah on Curbing Online Misinformation
From ACM Opinion

Devavrat Shah on Curbing Online Misinformation

MIT Professor Devavrat Shah shares his thoughts on human content moderation, recommendation algorithms, and diluting the spread of misinformation online.

AI Pioneer Geoff Hinton: 'Deep Learning Is Going to Be Able to Do Everything'
From ACM Opinion

AI Pioneer Geoff Hinton: 'Deep Learning Is Going to Be Able to Do Everything'

Thirty years ago, Geoffrey Hinton's belief in neural networks was contrarian. Now it's hard to find people who disagree with him.

Q&A: Researchers Clicked on Ads to Track Misinformation
From ACM Opinion

Q&A: Researchers Clicked on Ads to Track Misinformation

Researchers at the University of Washington Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering found that both mainstream and misinformation news sites display...

Why Did We Go Digital?
From ACM News

Why Did We Go Digital?

Princeton University's Ken Steiglitz feels an attachment to the analog.

Q&A: Google's Luiz André Barroso
From ACM Opinion

Q&A: Google's Luiz André Barroso

Google Vice President of Engineering Luiz André Barroso discusses his work, including improvements to the datacenter, Google Maps, and hardware design.

The Impact of AI on Organizations
From ACM News

The Impact of AI on Organizations

Implementing artificial intelligence through the looking glass of digital anthropology.

For Online Learning, Business Has Never Been Better
From ACM Opinion

For Online Learning, Business Has Never Been Better

Demand for Chegg roughly doubled when schools shut down, but its chief executive, Dan Rosensweig, now needs to figure out how the company will adapt.
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