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Seven More Questions For Sap's Co-Ceo Bill Mcdermott
From ACM Opinion

Seven More Questions For Sap's Co-Ceo Bill Mcdermott

The last time we heard from SAP co-CEO Bill McDermott, he talked a great deal about a then-upcoming product strategy called HANA. The idea was to move all of SAP's...

The Future According to Google's Larry Page
From ACM Opinion

The Future According to Google's Larry Page

When Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of WPP Group, the giant advertising agency, visited Google this past fall, CEO Larry Page sent a car to pick him up at the Rosewood...

Apple Ceo Expects China to Become Biggest Market
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Apple Ceo Expects China to Become Biggest Market

China is no doubt the apple of Tim Cook's eye.

Ben Horowitz on the Impact of Software Everywhere
From ACM Opinion

Ben Horowitz on the Impact of Software Everywhere

Ben Horowitz may have the skeleton key to the decimation—sorry, transformation—of our economic and political lives.

Why Smart Glasses Might Not Make You Smarter
From ACM Opinion

Why Smart Glasses Might Not Make You Smarter

Steve Mann built his first smart eyeglasses when he was still in high school and has continued to improve on his designs ever since—as a graduate student at MIT...

Vint Cerf: Internet Competition Has 'evaporated' Since Dial-­p
From ACM Opinion

Vint Cerf: Internet Competition Has 'evaporated' Since Dial-­p

Vint Cerf, co-creator of the Internet, said he is troubled by the prospect of companies like AT&T avoiding government regulation after the transition from traditional...

Howie Choset, Robot-Snake Charmer
From ACM Opinion

Howie Choset, Robot-Snake Charmer

Howie Choset, a professor of robotics at Carnegie Mellon University, has spent years creating mechanical snakes with names such as Uncle Sam, Betsy Ross, Pepperoni...

Tony Fadell: From Iphones to Sexing ­p Thermostats
From ACM Opinion

Tony Fadell: From Iphones to Sexing ­p Thermostats

After you left Apple, you developed a "smart" thermostat. Was that always your plan?

The Places You'll Go
From ACM TechNews

The Places You'll Go

In an interview, Google chief technology advocate Michael Jones discusses new technology in digital mapping and how it will change travel. Jones says the major...

Google Glass Features and Apps Still in Flux
From ACM TechNews

Google Glass Features and Apps Still in Flux

In an interview, Google Glass project leader Babak Parviz discusses where the wearable device is heading in the near future.

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?
From ACM Opinion

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?

I couldn't help thinking of John Le Carré's spy novels as I awaited my rendezvous with Jaron Lanier in a corner of the lobby of the stylish W Hotel just off Union...

Seven Questions For Google Enterprise Chief Amit Singh
From ACM Opinion

Seven Questions For Google Enterprise Chief Amit Singh

It's been a big year for many things related to the Enterprise business at Google.

Why Everybody Wants a Slice of Raspberry Pi
From ACM Opinion

Why Everybody Wants a Slice of Raspberry Pi

In a world where computers are increasingly powerful and are concealed within ever more glossy slabs of aluminum, the Raspberry Pi offers surprising proof for the...

The Man Looking to Turn Samsung Into a Silicon Valley Trendsetter
From ACM Opinion

The Man Looking to Turn Samsung Into a Silicon Valley Trendsetter

Samsung Electronics is a company at the top of its game, having become the world’s leading smartphone manufacturer in the last year.

The Woman Charged With Making Windows 8 Succeed
From ACM Opinion

The Woman Charged With Making Windows 8 Succeed

As the head of Windows product development at Microsoft, Julie Larson-Green is responsible for a piece of software used by some 1.3 billion people worldwide.

Debunker of Doomsday: Nasa Scientist Tries to Talk Some Sense Into the World
From ACM Opinion

Debunker of Doomsday: Nasa Scientist Tries to Talk Some Sense Into the World

Swirling with lunacy and paranoia, the theories warn of mayhem and cataclysm.

'the Idea We Live in a Simulation Isn't Science Fiction'
From ACM Opinion

'the Idea We Live in a Simulation Isn't Science Fiction'

If the universe is just a Matrix-like simulation, how could we ever know? Physicist Silas Beane thinks he has the answer.

How Google Is Taking the Knowledge Graph Global
From ACM News

How Google Is Taking the Knowledge Graph Global

Earlier this month, Google shared a fascinating statistic. The number of items in the company's Knowledge Graph—its database of people, places, and things, and...

IBM Research Honcho: From the Pentagon to the 'toy Shop'
From ACM Opinion

IBM Research Honcho: From the Pentagon to the 'toy Shop'

Zachary Lemnios, who was U.S. assistant secretary of defense for research and engineering, gave up his Pentagon role to become IBM's vice president of research...

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'
From ACM Opinion

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'

Soon we'll be able to engineer living things with mechanical precision, says Tom Knight, father of synthetic biology.
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