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Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader

When Apple CEO Tim Cook refused to help the FBI get into a mass murderer's iPhone last winter, he was hailed for his boldness in fighting the government on ...

How Scientifically Plausible Is 'star Trek'?
From ACM Opinion

How Scientifically Plausible Is 'star Trek'?

"Star Trek" turns 50 on Sept. 8, and instead of buying it a fancy sports car, our mission is to boldly go down the "Star Trek" rabbit hole, or rather, wormhole,...

Orwell Was Right: Oliver Stone on What Makes Snowden Exciting
From ACM Opinion

Orwell Was Right: Oliver Stone on What Makes Snowden Exciting

Oliver Stone wants you to know he's not an activist.

20 Big Questions About the Future of Humanity
From ACM Opinion

20 Big Questions About the Future of Humanity

1. Does humanity have a future beyond Earth?

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'
From ACM Opinion

Tim Cook: Running Apple 'is Sort of a Lonely Job'

On a sleek white coffee table in Apple CEO Tim Cook's fourth-floor office in late July, beneath framed posters of Robert F. Kennedy, the Rev. Martin Luther King...

What Virtual Reality Is Good For
From ACM Opinion

What Virtual Reality Is Good For

After years as a punchline, virtual reality is enjoying a renaissance. Venture capitalists plowed $1.2 billion into virtual-reality and augmented-reality startups...

Google's Driverless-Car Czar on Taking the Human Out of the Equation
From ACM Opinion

Google's Driverless-Car Czar on Taking the Human Out of the Equation

You devoted your life to human-driven transportation, engineering SUVs at Ford and taking Hyundai (as U.S. CEO and president) to record levels of sales in the U...

How One Journalist ­ses Social Media to Get Inside the Minds of Isis
From ACM Opinion

How One Journalist ­ses Social Media to Get Inside the Minds of Isis

Rukmini Callimachi is arguably the best reporter on the most impor­tant beat in the world. As a New York Times correspondent covering terrorism, her work explores...

Nsa Director Rogers on DNC Hacking, Cyberwarfare and Isis
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Director Rogers on DNC Hacking, Cyberwarfare and Isis

When it comes to warfare—the weapons, the budgets, the personnel—America is king. But the United States has not yet conquered cyberwarfare.

CIA Cyber Official Sees Data Flood as Both Godsend and Danger
From ACM Opinion

CIA Cyber Official Sees Data Flood as Both Godsend and Danger

When he started at the CIA, Sean Roche recalls how little solid data the U.S. spy agency had on what was going on inside the Kremlin.

Werner Herzog's Web
From ACM Opinion

Werner Herzog's Web

Werner Herzog gazes solemnly at the metal exoskeleton. The set of robotic arms lies slumped in a laboratory on the UCLA campus, surrounded by empty cardboard boxes...

Microsoft's President Explains the Company's Quiet Legal War For ­ser Privacy
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's President Explains the Company's Quiet Legal War For ­ser Privacy

Apple's legal battle over encryption dominated headlines earlier this year, but another tech giant is fighting a quieter legal war over user privacy: Microsoft....

Snowden: 'i Never Thought I'd Be Saved' After Nsa Leaks
From ACM Opinion

Snowden: 'i Never Thought I'd Be Saved' After Nsa Leaks

When Edward Snowden leaked highly classified secrets about government spying, he changed the way the world thinks of cybersecurity.

This Guy Trains Computers to Find Future Criminals
From ACM Opinion

This Guy Trains Computers to Find Future Criminals

When historians look back at the turmoil over prejudice and policing in the U.S. over the past few years, they're unlikely to dwell on the case of Eric Loomis.

Obama's Top Scientist Talks Shrinking Budgets, Donald Trump, and His Biggest Regret
From ACM Opinion

Obama's Top Scientist Talks Shrinking Budgets, Donald Trump, and His Biggest Regret

John Holdren is no stranger to the spotlight. Over his long career in science, Holdren—a physicist by training—has worked on controversial issues such as climate...

Documentary Explores The Cyber-War Secrets Of Stuxnet
From ACM Opinion

Documentary Explores The Cyber-War Secrets Of Stuxnet

Alex Gibney's new documentary, Zero Days, looks at the Stuxnet worm—a cyber weapon developed by the U.S. and Israel.

Machines that Talk to ­S May Soon Sense Our Feelings, Too
From ACM Opinion

Machines that Talk to ­S May Soon Sense Our Feelings, Too

After great promise in the 1960s that machines would soon think like humans, progress stalled for decades. Only in the past 10 years or so has research picked up...

The Lopsided Geography of Wikipedia
From ACM Opinion

The Lopsided Geography of Wikipedia

Think about how often, in the course of a week, you visit Wikipedia.

The Physicist Who Studies Isis Communities Online
From ACM Opinion

The Physicist Who Studies Isis Communities Online

Neil Johnson, a physicist at the University of Miami in Florida, studies patterns that emerge in complex systems.

A Russian Cybersleuth Battles the 'dark Ages' of the Internet
From ACM Opinion

A Russian Cybersleuth Battles the 'dark Ages' of the Internet

A sense of menace stirs right off the elevator on the fifth floor of Kaspersky Lab's Moscow headquarters, where a small television screen displays cyberthreatsa...
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