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North Korea and Cyberterrorists Won Big in Sony Hack, Researcher Says
From ACM Opinion

North Korea and Cyberterrorists Won Big in Sony Hack, Researcher Says

It looks like the great cyber-war with North Korea has begun, at least by proxy.

William Gibson Sees the Future
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William Gibson Sees the Future

"The thing to keep in mind," William Gibson tells me when we meet in the quiet lounge of a Victorian-style hotel in Chicago, "is that I’m not actually predicting...

Forget Turing—i Want to Test Computer Creativity
From ACM Opinion

Forget Turing—i Want to Test Computer Creativity

What are the elements of the Turing test?

Boston Researcher Cynthia Breazeal Is Ready to Bring Robots Into the Home. Are You?
From ACM Opinion

Boston Researcher Cynthia Breazeal Is Ready to Bring Robots Into the Home. Are You?

The MIT Media Lab's Personal Robots Group flanks the soaring atrium on the fourth floor of the Wiesner Building, a wall of metal panels along the southern edge...

Father of Web Tells Russia's Putin: Internet Is Not a 'cia Project'
From ACM Opinion

Father of Web Tells Russia's Putin: Internet Is Not a 'cia Project'

The inventor of the World Wide Web said on Thursday that Russian President Vladimir Putin was incorrect when he alleged the Internet was a project created by U.S...

Tech's Lost Chapter: An Oral History of Boston's Rise and Fall
From ACM Opinion

Tech's Lost Chapter: An Oral History of Boston's Rise and Fall

In the popular telling, the dawn of personal computing begins in the summer of 1976, when Steve Wozniak showed off the Apple I at a meeting of the Homebrew Computer...

The Last Astronauts to Fly to Hubble Talk About Their Wild Mission
From ACM Opinion

The Last Astronauts to Fly to Hubble Talk About Their Wild Mission

On a sunny afternoon in May, 2009, seven astronauts strapped themselves into the space shuttle Atlantis and rocketed toward the heavens.

Finding an Image with an Image and Other Feats of Computer Vision
From ACM Opinion

Finding an Image with an Image and Other Feats of Computer Vision

"We found that people were searching for squirrels just to favorite them, just to click 'like.' And the same with buses."

Stephen Hawking Warns Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Hawking Warns Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind

He told the BBC: "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."

Hacker Mitnick Has a Plan to Help You Stay Safe Online
From ACM Opinion

Hacker Mitnick Has a Plan to Help You Stay Safe Online

Even famed hacker Kevin Mitnick—labeled a "computer terrorist" by the FBI in the '90s—worries about getting hacked.

Baidu's Andrew Ng on Deep Learning and Innovation in Silicon Valley
From ACM Opinion

Baidu's Andrew Ng on Deep Learning and Innovation in Silicon Valley

Six months ago, Chinese Internet-search giant Baidu signaled its ambitions to innovate by opening an artificial-intelligence center in Silicon Valley, in Google's...

Google Ceo on Moonshots: Find a 'zero Million Dollar' Research Problem
From ACM Opinion

Google Ceo on Moonshots: Find a 'zero Million Dollar' Research Problem

To succeed at a moonshot, you need curiosity, impulse, and a problem that no one seems to be investing in.

William Gibson: I Never Imagined Facebook
From ACM Opinion

William Gibson: I Never Imagined Facebook

Even if you've never heard of William Gibson, you're probably familiar with his work.

For Rosetta Mission's Scientists, the Thrill Is in the Comet Chase
From ACM Careers

For Rosetta Mission's Scientists, the Thrill Is in the Comet Chase

Claudia Alexander has spent the last 15 years of her life waiting for this moment: landing a spacecraft the size of a washing machine on the surface of a speeding...

Space-Time Visionary
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Space-Time Visionary

Thanks to theoretical physicist Kip Thorne, real science is embedded in Christopher Nolan's film Interstellar, in which explorers seek a new home for humankind.

New Clock May End Time As We Know It
From ACM News

New Clock May End Time As We Know It

"My own personal opinion is that time is a human construct," says Tom O'Brian.

Oculus Rift 'fantastic' But Won't Replace Movies, Says 'minority Report' Fx Guru
From ACM Opinion

Oculus Rift 'fantastic' But Won't Replace Movies, Says 'minority Report' Fx Guru

Oculus Rift is "fantastic" but virtual reality won't replace movies just yet, according to two legends of special effects.

Ft Interview with Google Co-Founder and Ceo Larry Page
From ACM Opinion

Ft Interview with Google Co-Founder and Ceo Larry Page

Wouldn't the world be a happier place if 90 per cent of the people with jobs put their feet up instead and left the robots to do the work?

What Is It Like to Control a Robotic Arm with a Brain Implant?
From ACM Opinion

What Is It Like to Control a Robotic Arm with a Brain Implant?

Jan Scheuermann is not your average experimental subject.

Megan Smith: 'you Can Affect Billions of People'
From ACM Opinion

Megan Smith: 'you Can Affect Billions of People'

Now that you work at the White House, approximately how many times a day do you find yourself thinking, God, we did this so much better at Google?
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