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The Future According to Google's Larry Page
From ACM Opinion

The Future According to Google's Larry Page

When Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of WPP Group, the giant advertising agency, visited Google this past fall, CEO Larry Page sent a car to pick him up at the Rosewood...

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?
From ACM Opinion

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?

I couldn't help thinking of John Le Carré's spy novels as I awaited my rendezvous with Jaron Lanier in a corner of the lobby of the stylish W Hotel just off Union...

Debunker of Doomsday: Nasa Scientist Tries to Talk Some Sense Into the World
From ACM Opinion

Debunker of Doomsday: Nasa Scientist Tries to Talk Some Sense Into the World

Swirling with lunacy and paranoia, the theories warn of mayhem and cataclysm.

'the Idea We Live in a Simulation Isn't Science Fiction'
From ACM Opinion

'the Idea We Live in a Simulation Isn't Science Fiction'

If the universe is just a Matrix-like simulation, how could we ever know? Physicist Silas Beane thinks he has the answer.

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'
From ACM Opinion

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'

Soon we'll be able to engineer living things with mechanical precision, says Tom Knight, father of synthetic biology.

Neil Degrasse Tyson Helps His New 'bud' Superman Get a Glimpse of Home
From ACM Opinion

Neil Degrasse Tyson Helps His New 'bud' Superman Get a Glimpse of Home

DC Comics, Tyson explains, approached him for permission to use the Planetarium—as well as his likeness—in a story where Superman witnesses the destruction of Krypton...

Q&A: As Good As It Gets
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: As Good As It Gets

Sanjeev Arora talks about proof, intractability, and finding the best way to approximate problems.

How James Dyson Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary
From ACM Opinion

How James Dyson Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary

James Dyson leaps out of his chair like a restless child and picks up a big yellow-and-gray vacuum—one of several Dyson contraptions congregated around the podium...

Bluebrain: Noah Hutton's 10-Year Documentary About the Mission to Reverse Engineer the Human Brain
From ACM Opinion

Bluebrain: Noah Hutton's 10-Year Documentary About the Mission to Reverse Engineer the Human Brain

"Nothing quite like it exists yet, but we have begun building it," Henry Markram wrote in the June 2012 issue of Scientific American. He was referring to a "fantastic...

Craig Venter Imagines a World with Printable Life Forms
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter Imagines a World with Printable Life Forms

Craig Venter imagines a future where you can download software, print a vaccine, inject it, and presto! Contagion averted.

10 Predictions About Networking and Moore's Law from Andy Bechtolsheim
From ACM Opinion

10 Predictions About Networking and Moore's Law from Andy Bechtolsheim

Sun Microsystems cofounder and networking guru Andy Bechtholsheim predicted that networking chips—which determine how quickly you can surf the Internet—will keep...

On the Moore's Law Hot Seat: Intel's Mike Mayberry
From ACM Opinion

On the Moore's Law Hot Seat: Intel's Mike Mayberry

Intel vice president Mike Mayberry lives 10 years in the chip technology future, charting a course for the computing industry and transforming research ideas...

Why Polaroid Inspired Both Steve Jobs and Andy Warhol
From ACM Opinion

Why Polaroid Inspired Both Steve Jobs and Andy Warhol

Few companies can claim they altered the path of an entire medium but that’s exactly what Polaroid did in the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s to photography. Founded by Edwin...

Even Ray Kurzweil Is Nervous About a Future with Hyper-Intelligent Machines
From ACM Opinion

Even Ray Kurzweil Is Nervous About a Future with Hyper-Intelligent Machines

Ray Kurzweil is looking forward to the year 2029.

Meet Mira, the Supercomputer That Makes ­niverses
From ACM Opinion

Meet Mira, the Supercomputer That Makes ­niverses

Cosmology is the most ambitious of sciences. Its goal, plainly stated, is to describe the origin, evolution, and structure of the entire universe, a universe that...

William Gibson on Why Sci-Fi Writers Are (thankfully) Almost Always Wrong
From ACM Opinion

William Gibson on Why Sci-Fi Writers Are (thankfully) Almost Always Wrong

William Gibson, one of science fiction's most visionary and distinctive voices, maintains that he and his fellow writers don't possess some mystical ability to...

The Jet Propulsion Lab Is Way Weirder (and Awesomer) Than You Even Imagined
From ACM Opinion

The Jet Propulsion Lab Is Way Weirder (and Awesomer) Than You Even Imagined

For a center of cutting-edge scientific research, Caltech's Jet Propulsion Lab seems to be a pretty wacky place. Luke Johnson, a graphic designer at the lab, set...

Connoisseur of Chaos
From ACM Opinion

Connoisseur of Chaos

As a high school student in a Detroit suburb in the 1990s, Russ Tedrake did not fit the standard profile of a future computer science professor.

The 'surround Computing' Era Is Just Around the Corner
From ACM Opinion

The 'surround Computing' Era Is Just Around the Corner

The 'surround computing' era is coming soon, according to Mark Papermaster, the chief technology officer of chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices.

Robot Master
From ACM Opinion

Robot Master

When you visit Manuela Veloso at Carnegie Mellon University, you're not guided to her office by a security officer or even issued instructions by a secretary at...
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