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Q&a with Ben Silbermann
From ACM Opinion

Q&a with Ben Silbermann

Pinterest co-founder and CEO Ben Silbermann discusses his company's popularity, its advancement of online discovery, and how facillitating discovery will eventually...

A Sterling Future for HPC
From ACM Opinion

A Sterling Future for HPC

For the past decade, keynote speakers at the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC) have examined the major accomplishments in HPC during the preceding year...

Bill Gates on Reddit: Thoughts on Steve Jobs, Windows, and the Next Disruption
From ACM Opinion

Bill Gates on Reddit: Thoughts on Steve Jobs, Windows, and the Next Disruption

Bill Gates held court on Reddit on Monday, becoming just the latest notable figure to submit to the site's open question-and-answer sessions.

How Big Data Has Changed Dating
From ACM Opinion

How Big Data Has Changed Dating

Online dating has gone mainstream. Over one third of the 90 million single adults in America have an online dating profile in any given month. And, as

After Adding Online Privacy Protections, F.t.c. Chief Resigns
From ACM Opinion

After Adding Online Privacy Protections, F.t.c. Chief Resigns

Jon Leibowitz, the chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, said on Thursday that he would resign effective mid-February.

Google's Eric Schmidt: Drone Wars, Virtual Kidnaps, and Privacy For Kids
From ACM Opinion

Google's Eric Schmidt: Drone Wars, Virtual Kidnaps, and Privacy For Kids

Google's chairman has sketched out a future world in which cyberterrorists are targeted by government drone strikes, online identities are taken hostage and held...

Ito: Think Twice About Immortality and the Singularity
From ACM Opinion

Ito: Think Twice About Immortality and the Singularity

Ray Kurzweil's vision of the "singularity"—when nanobots make humans immortal and computer progress is so fast that the future becomes profoundly unknowable—is...

Neil Degrasse Tyson: Science Funding Can 'guarantee Your Economic Future'
From ACM Opinion

Neil Degrasse Tyson: Science Funding Can 'guarantee Your Economic Future'

Neil deGrasse Tyson came to Washington on Wednesday to deliver the science-specific version of President Barack Obama's second inaugural address.

Google's Kurzweil on Teaching Human Language to Computers
From ACM Opinion

Google's Kurzweil on Teaching Human Language to Computers

Famed inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil joined Google last month to work on "some of the hardest problems in computer science," specifically machine learning and...

Ben Horowitz on the Impact of Software Everywhere
From ACM Opinion

Ben Horowitz on the Impact of Software Everywhere

Ben Horowitz may have the skeleton key to the decimation—sorry, transformation—of our economic and political lives.

Vint Cerf: Internet Competition Has 'evaporated' Since Dial-­p
From ACM Opinion

Vint Cerf: Internet Competition Has 'evaporated' Since Dial-­p

Vint Cerf, co-creator of the Internet, said he is troubled by the prospect of companies like AT&T avoiding government regulation after the transition from traditional...

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?
From ACM Opinion

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web?

I couldn't help thinking of John Le Carré's spy novels as I awaited my rendezvous with Jaron Lanier in a corner of the lobby of the stylish W Hotel just off Union...

Debunker of Doomsday: Nasa Scientist Tries to Talk Some Sense Into the World
From ACM Opinion

Debunker of Doomsday: Nasa Scientist Tries to Talk Some Sense Into the World

Swirling with lunacy and paranoia, the theories warn of mayhem and cataclysm.

'the Idea We Live in a Simulation Isn't Science Fiction'
From ACM Opinion

'the Idea We Live in a Simulation Isn't Science Fiction'

If the universe is just a Matrix-like simulation, how could we ever know? Physicist Silas Beane thinks he has the answer.

How Google Is Taking the Knowledge Graph Global
From ACM News

How Google Is Taking the Knowledge Graph Global

Earlier this month, Google shared a fascinating statistic. The number of items in the company's Knowledge Graph—its database of people, places, and things, and...

IBM Research Honcho: From the Pentagon to the 'toy Shop'
From ACM Opinion

IBM Research Honcho: From the Pentagon to the 'toy Shop'

Zachary Lemnios, who was U.S. assistant secretary of defense for research and engineering, gave up his Pentagon role to become IBM's vice president of research...

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'
From ACM Opinion

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'

Soon we'll be able to engineer living things with mechanical precision, says Tom Knight, father of synthetic biology.

Online Social Science: Can the Web Graduate from Digital Petri Dish to Virtual Laboratory?
From ACM Opinion

Online Social Science: Can the Web Graduate from Digital Petri Dish to Virtual Laboratory?

In many ways the Internet is the ultimate virtual laboratory.

Intel Tech Chief Rattner Peers Into the Future
From ACM Opinion

Intel Tech Chief Rattner Peers Into the Future

What does the future of computing look like? Justin Rattner has a better inkling than most.

Nest Ceo Fadell: Internet of Things Is a Decade Away
From ACM Opinion

Nest Ceo Fadell: Internet of Things Is a Decade Away

It will take 10 years before the "Internet of things" catches on widely, said Nest Labs Chief Executive Tony Fadell, whose smart-thermostat startup embodies the...
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