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A Bold Mission to Touch the Sun
From ACM Opinion

A Bold Mission to Touch the Sun

On Sunday, August 12, NASA launched a bold mission to fly directly into the sun's atmosphere, with a spacecraft named the Parker Solar Probe, after solar astrophysicist...

What Are Rare Earths, Crucial Elements in Modern Technology? 4 Questions Answered
From ACM Opinion

What Are Rare Earths, Crucial Elements in Modern Technology? 4 Questions Answered

Most Americans use rare earth elements every day—without knowing it, or knowing anything about what they do. That could change, as these unusual materials are becoming...

Why AI Researchers Shouldn't Turn Their Backs on the Military
From ACM Opinion

Why AI Researchers Shouldn't Turn Their Backs on the Military

More than 2,400 AI researchers recently signed a pledge promising not to build so-called autonomous weapons—systems that would decide on their own whom to kill....

3D-Printed (and CNC-Milled) Guns: Nine Questions You Were Too Afraid to Ask
From ACM Opinion

3D-Printed (and CNC-Milled) Guns: Nine Questions You Were Too Afraid to Ask

By now, you've probably seen all the news regarding Defense Distributed, company founder Cody Wilson, and 3D-printed guns.

Startup JITX ­ses AI to Automate Complex Circuit Board Design
From ACM Opinion

Startup JITX ­ses AI to Automate Complex Circuit Board Design

While anyone can learn how to design a circuit board, it takes a skilled engineer to design a circuit board that is both well optimized and unlikely to melt, explode...

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal
From ACM Opinion

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal

In the midst of growing public concern over artificial intelligence (AI), privacy and the use of data, Brent Hecht has a controversial proposal: the computer-science...

"I Was Devastated": Tim Berners-Lee, the Man Who Created the World Wide Web, Has Some Regrets
From ACM Opinion

"I Was Devastated": Tim Berners-Lee, the Man Who Created the World Wide Web, Has Some Regrets

"For people who want to make sure the Web serves humanity, we have to concern ourselves with what people are building on top of it," Tim Berners-Lee told me one...

Darpa Plans a Major Remake of ­.S. Electronics
From ACM Opinion

Darpa Plans a Major Remake of ­.S. Electronics

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is launching a huge expansion of its Electronics Resurgence Initiative, boosting the program to US $1.5 billion...

Don Eyles: Space Hacker
From ACM Opinion

Don Eyles: Space Hacker

In the early hours of 5 February 1971, Don Eyles had a big problem: Apollo 14 astronauts Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell were orbiting the moon, preparing to land...

Senior Scientist Argues that We Should Bypass Europa for Enceladus
From ACM Opinion

Senior Scientist Argues that We Should Bypass Europa for Enceladus

In its quest to find extant life in the Solar System, NASA has focused its gaze on the Jovian moon Europa, home to what is likely the largest ocean known to humans...

Could Quantum Computing Be the End of Free Will?
From ACM Opinion

Could Quantum Computing Be the End of Free Will?

Faster, more powerful computing has the potential to revolutionize fields from drug delivery to freight transportation.

Quantum Computing Will Reshape Digital Battlefield, Says Former NSA Director Hayden
From ACM Opinion

Quantum Computing Will Reshape Digital Battlefield, Says Former NSA Director Hayden

When retired Air Force General Michael Hayden took the helm of the National Security Agency in 1999 he found intelligence gathering, namely electronic espionage...

Relax, Google, the Robot Army Isn't Here Yet 
From ACM Opinion

Relax, Google, the Robot Army Isn't Here Yet 

People can differ on their perceptions of "evil."

The Inside Story of How AI Got Good Enough to Dominate Silicon Valley
From ACM Opinion

The Inside Story of How AI Got Good Enough to Dominate Silicon Valley

Alex Krizhevsky didn't get into the AI business to change the course of history.

To Build the Best Bots, NASA Happily Looks to Others Here on Earth
From ACM Opinion

To Build the Best Bots, NASA Happily Looks to Others Here on Earth

The Importance of Teaching Robots to Hug
From ACM Opinion

The Importance of Teaching Robots to Hug

Hugs make us feel warm and safe and comforted and loved.

The Researchers Who Study Alien Linguistics
From ACM Opinion

The Researchers Who Study Alien Linguistics

Sheri Wells-Jensen is fascinated by languages no one has ever heard—those that might be spoken by aliens.

The 'Golden Age of Electronic Surveillance' Is Ending, Says Former NSA and CIA Chief Michael Hayden 
From ACM Opinion

The 'Golden Age of Electronic Surveillance' Is Ending, Says Former NSA and CIA Chief Michael Hayden 

At America's intelligence agencies, there are three ways to "steal secrets," says former CIA and NSA director Michael Hayden: Humans, signals and imagery.

How Close Are We, Really, to Building a Quantum Computer?
From ACM Opinion

How Close Are We, Really, to Building a Quantum Computer?

The race is on to build the world's first meaningful quantum computer—one that can deliver the technology's long-promised ability to help scientists do things like...

To Build Truly Intelligent Machines, Teach Them Cause and Effect
From ACM Opinion

To Build Truly Intelligent Machines, Teach Them Cause and Effect

Artificial intelligence owes a lot of its smarts to Judea Pearl.
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