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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectLegal Aspects
authorGeorge V. Neville-Neil

Patent Absurdity
From Communications of the ACM

Patent Absurdity

A case when ignorance is the best policy.

Master of Tickets
From Communications of the ACM

Master of Tickets

Valuing the quality, not the quantity, of work.

Code Hoarding
From Communications of the ACM

Code Hoarding

Committing to commits, and the beauty of summarizing graphs.

Hickory Dickory Doc
From Communications of the ACM

Hickory Dickory Doc

On null encryption and automated documentation.

Lazarus Code
From Communications of the ACM

Lazarus Code

No one expects the Spanish Acquisition.

Raw Networking
From Communications of the ACM

Raw Networking

Relevance and repeatability.

Too Big to Fail
From Communications of the ACM

Too Big to Fail

Visibility leads to debuggability.

Port Squatting
From Communications of the ACM

Port Squatting

Do not irk your local sysadmin.

Outsourcing Responsibility
From Communications of the ACM

Outsourcing Responsibility

What do you do when your debugger fails you?

From Communications of the ACM

Forked Over

Shortchanged by open source.

The Logic of Logging
From Communications of the ACM

The Logic of Logging

And the illogic of PDF.

Bugs and Bragging Rights
From Communications of the ACM

Bugs and Bragging Rights

It is not always size that matters.

A Lesson in Resource Management
From Communications of the ACM

A Lesson in Resource Management

Waste not memory, want not memory — unless it doesn't matter.

Cherry-Picking and the Scientific Method
From Communications of the ACM

Cherry-Picking and the Scientific Method

Software is supposed be a part of computer science, and science demands proof.

Swamped By Automation
From Communications of the ACM

Swamped By Automation

Whenever someone asks you to trust them, don't.

Code Abuse
From Communications of the ACM

Code Abuse

One programmer's extension is another programmer's abuse.

Divided By Division
From Communications of the ACM

Divided By Division

Is there a "best used by" date for software?

Can More Code Mean Fewer Bugs?
From Communications of the ACM

Can More Code Mean Fewer Bugs?

The bytes you save today may bite you tomorrow.

A Nice Piece of Code
From Communications of the ACM

A Nice Piece of Code

Colorful metaphors and properly reusing functions.

Scale Failure
From Communications of the ACM

Scale Failure

Using a tool for the wrong job is OK until the day when it isn't.
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