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Communications of the ACM

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Lust and the Turing Test
From ACM Opinion

Lust and the Turing Test

By and large, we watch movies to be entertained, not to be provoked into deep thought. Occasionally, a film does both.

Nasa's Chief Scientist on Mars, Moons, and Money
From ACM Opinion

Nasa's Chief Scientist on Mars, Moons, and Money

Planetary geologist Ellen Stofan joined NASA in August as the agency's chief scientist, an overarching role in which she advises on the science of all NASA programmes...

Quantum Computers Will Give Artificial Intelligence Big Boost, Studies Suggest
From ACM Opinion

Quantum Computers Will Give Artificial Intelligence Big Boost, Studies Suggest

Quantum computers of the future will have the potential to give artificial intelligence a major boost, a series of studies suggests.
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