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In Memory of Lawrence Roberts
From ACM Opinion

In Memory of Lawrence Roberts


Humans Are Getting More Botlike on Twitter
From ACM Opinion

Humans Are Getting More Botlike on Twitter

We know for sure that Cesar Sayoc, who allegedly targeted high-profile Democrats with mail bombs in late October, isn't a Russian bot.

Borders in the Cloud
From ACM Opinion

Borders in the Cloud

Amazon may well be one of the companies with the strongest data security in the world.

Why Haven't Reporters Mass-Adopted Secure Tools For Communicating With Sources?
From ACM Opinion

Why Haven't Reporters Mass-Adopted Secure Tools For Communicating With Sources?

In the months since Donald Trump took office, Washington has been leaking like a sieve.

Wikileaks' Attack on ­.s. Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Wikileaks' Attack on ­.s. Intelligence

Tuesday's WikiLeaks release exposing thousands of detailed documents on CIA hacking tools is an unbridled attack on U.S. intelligence operations with little or...

Vulnerability Is the Internet's Original Sin
From ACM Opinion

Vulnerability Is the Internet's Original Sin

On the day (perhaps not long from now) when the entire internet crashes, no one will be able to say that we didn’t see it coming.

Google Is Listening
From ACM Opinion

Google Is Listening

You know the cliché that if you're not paying for the product, you are the product?

The Leaky Myths of Snowden
From ACM Opinion

The Leaky Myths of Snowden

Oliver Stone's Snowden is a bad movie, stuffed with myth, short on drama.

You'll Never Guess This One Crazy Thing Governs Online Speech
From ACM Opinion

You'll Never Guess This One Crazy Thing Governs Online Speech

Early last week, Twitter announced that it would be using new tools to curb hate speech and harassment on its site.

What Virtual Reality Is Good For
From ACM Opinion

What Virtual Reality Is Good For

After years as a punchline, virtual reality is enjoying a renaissance. Venture capitalists plowed $1.2 billion into virtual-reality and augmented-reality startups...

The Lessons of the DNC Hack
From ACM Opinion

The Lessons of the DNC Hack

Just days after Robert Gates became secretary of defense in December 2006, in the middle of George W. Bush’s second term, he found himself so stunned by the volume...

How Apple's Stand Against the Fbi Could Backfire
From ACM Opinion

How Apple's Stand Against the Fbi Could Backfire

The skirmish between Apple and the FBI is quickly escalating to a battle royal, a fight to the finish over lofty principles and national values, involving not just...

Convicted By Code
From ACM Opinion

Convicted By Code

Secret code is everywhere—in elevators, airplanes, medical devices.

Meet the Bots
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Bots

The day that science fiction writers have feared for so long has finally come—the machines have risen up.

Why Mlb Fans Should Lament the Failure of Google Glass
From ACM Opinion

Why Mlb Fans Should Lament the Failure of Google Glass

The consumer tech world received a jolt in January when the Wall Street Journal reported that Google executives were freezing all sales of its futuristically goofy...

So Sayeth Google
From ACM Opinion

So Sayeth Google

Search for "vaccines." At least within our filter bubble, the top item in Google's "In the news" section earlier this week was an anti-vax column about the "feds'...

William Gibson Sees the Future
From ACM Opinion

William Gibson Sees the Future

"The thing to keep in mind," William Gibson tells me when we meet in the quiet lounge of a Victorian-style hotel in Chicago, "is that I’m not actually predicting...

The Princess Trap
From ACM Opinion

The Princess Trap

When my 4-year-old told me the other day that she was "ready for princesses," part of me died.

Singularity or Transhumanism: What Word Should We ­se to Discuss the Future?
From ACM Opinion

Singularity or Transhumanism: What Word Should We ­se to Discuss the Future?

Singularity. Posthuman. Techno-Optimism, Cyborgism. Humanity+. Immortalist. Machine intelligence. Biohacker. Robotopia. Life extension. Transhumanism.

Four Technology Fallacies That Need to Die
From ACM Opinion

Four Technology Fallacies That Need to Die

As any historian, psychologist, sociologist, or scientist will tell you, the truth of an idea has very little to do with how fast it spreads and how well it's believed...
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