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Google's Earth
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Google's Earth

"I actually think most people don't want Google to answer their questions," said the search giant's chief executive, Eric Schmidt, in a recent and controversial...

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The Google Algorithm

Google handles nearly two-thirds of Internet search queries worldwide. Analysts reckon that most Web sites rely on the search engine for half of their traffic....

From ACM Opinion

Not Creating Content. Just Protecting It.

Should we be surprised that the biggest fight over freedom of expression in years involves Google, a company that produces algorithms rather than articles? Probably...

Interview: Sergey Brin on Google
From ACM Opinion

Interview: Sergey Brin on Google

China's censorship of the Internet may be blunt, but Google has found negotiations with the Chinese government in recent weeks to be subtle and uncertain. That...

Interview: Sergey Brin on Google
From ACM Opinion

Interview: Sergey Brin on Google

China's censorship of the Internet may be blunt, but Google has found negotiations with the Chinese government in recent weeks to be subtle and uncertain. That...

From ACM Opinion

Search, But You May Not Find

As we become increasingly dependent on the Internet, we need to be increasingly concerned about how it is regulated. The Federal Communications Commission has proposed...

Bing, the Imitator, Often Goes Google One Better
From ACM Opinion

Bing, the Imitator, Often Goes Google One Better

For the last 15 years, Microsoft's master business plan seems to have been, "Wait until somebody else has a hit. Then copy it." The list of commercial hits/Microsoft...
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