From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Shifting the focus from the perceived difficulty of learning programming to making programming more universally accessible.
Brett A. Becker From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2021
Proven practices to recruit domestic computer science graduate students.
David Whalley, Xin Yuan, Xiuwen Liu From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2021
The shutdowns, aimed at quelling unrest, undercut the nation's moral and ethical obligation to record history as it is.
Undark From ACM Opinion | July 20, 2021
Kubernetes isn't going to magically make your applications portable, but it just might give you something even better.TechRepublic From ACM Opinion | July 12, 2021
It's no longer exciting to talk about the rise of non-relational databases, but it's happening all the same.
TechRepublic From ACM Opinion | July 8, 2021
Clear, non-anthropomorphic language is central to dismantling misconceptions of AI as a black box.
Brookings TechStream From ACM Opinion | June 29, 2021
Companies must address the difficulty of hiring and retaining high-skilled employees from an increasingly smaller labor supply.
Travis Breaux, Jennifer Moritz From Communications of the ACM | July 1, 2021
Advocating a new, physically grounded, computational paradigm centered on thermodynamics and an emerging understanding of using thermodynamics to solve problems...Todd Hylton, Thomas M. Conte, Mark D. Hill From Communications of the ACM | June 1, 2021
Without a basic understanding of data measures and how they're computed, data-driven vaccine safety and effectiveness messages can become meaningless sound bites...IndyStar From ACM Opinion | May 19, 2021
Aalto University Professor Arno Solin discusses how to improve deep learning uncertainty with doctoral student Lassi Meronen.
Aalto University From ACM Opinion | May 7, 2021
Considering the origins, interpretations, and possible changes to Communications Decency Act §230 amid an evolving online environment.
Pamela Samuelson From Communications of the ACM | March 1, 2021
Examining both the leading indicators of equity in CS and the lagging indicators of student outcomes.
Carol L. Fletcher, Jayce R. Warner From Communications of the ACM | February 1, 2021
Deliberating on how to regulate—or not regulate—online speech in the era of evolving social media.
Kate Klonick From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2021