From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard University dorm room, hoping to see what his classmates were up to on campus. The following eight years...Bloomberg Businessweek From ACM Opinion | October 4, 2012
One of the things that makes attackers dance around their basement lairs is finding unencrypted Web sessions.Threatpost From ACM Opinion | October 4, 2012
Americans should have no reasonable expectation of privacy over the location data stored by their mobile phone.Slate From ACM Opinion | October 3, 2012
It’s impossible to look anywhere these days without noticing how profoundly Apple has influenced design and computing interfaces. Samuel Greengard From ACM News | October 2, 2012
Many new technologies are based on what companies and designers seem to think their users might want to do, or what they envision them wanting to do, but not as...GigaOm From ACM Opinion | October 1, 2012
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt says Apple should have continued to use Google’s mapping application in iOS 6 instead of swapping it out for its poorly received home...AllThingsD From ACM News | September 27, 2012
Who created the Internet and why should we care? These questions, so often raised during the Bush-Gore election in 2000, have found their way back into the political...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | September 27, 2012
Eugene Kaspersky has had an interesting, varied life, with more than his share of adventures, successes and challenges. He's seen and done a lot, but when he learned...Threatpost From ACM Opinion | September 27, 2012
Hugo Campos has a cardiac defibrillator implanted in his body. It sends data about his heart to his doctors and back to the manufacturer, but it takes days to get...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 27, 2012
A number of Internet service providers, including Comcast Corp. and Verizon Communications Inc., have recently upped the maximum speeds of broadband they offer...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | September 24, 2012
There is a widening gulf between application developers and security decision makers inside the enterprise, and it’s starting to cost companies serious money.Threatpost From ACM Opinion | September 24, 2012
In April of 2010, Eric Schmidt delivered the keynote address at the conference of the American Society of News Editors in Washington, D.C. During the talk, thearticulate...The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | September 24, 2012
For the right to personal privacy to survive in America in this digital age, courts must be meticulous in applying longstanding privacy protections to new technology...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | September 24, 2012
We already know that design matters. Product design. Industrial design. Experience design. Supply chain design. Witness the renewed fervor for the iPhone 5 today...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 24, 2012
Promoting a clock-free paradigm that fits everything learned about programming since Turing.Ivan Sutherland From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2012
Understanding the technical and social fundamentals of the computing infrastructure is essential in the continuously evolving technological realm.Jean-François Blanchette From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2012