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The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future
From ACM Opinion

The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future

The robots are coming, and they're getting smarter.

Take a Virtual Voyage Into Darwin's Library
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Take a Virtual Voyage Into Darwin's Library

In his celebrated journey around the world on the HMS Beagle from 1831 to 1836, Charles Darwin collected a plethora of information on the geology, animals, plants...

Defending the Grand Vision of the Human Brain Project
From ACM Opinion

Defending the Grand Vision of the Human Brain Project

"A grass roots effort is under way to stop the project... 'Mediocre science, terrible science policy,' begins the spirited letter…"

How to Terraform the Moon
From ACM Opinion

How to Terraform the Moon

Space fans were startled—and perhaps a little skeptical—in May when the Russians announced that they intend to build a manned moon base.

Nsa Implementing Fix to Prevent Snowden-Like Security Breach
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Implementing Fix to Prevent Snowden-Like Security Breach

A year after Edward Snowden's digital heist, the NSA's chief technology officer says steps have been taken to stop future incidents. But he says there's no way...

Harnessing the Speed of Light
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Harnessing the Speed of Light

The fields of data communication, fabrication, and ultrasound imaging share a common challenge when it comes to improving speed and efficiency: light's diffraction...

The Trouble With Brain Science
From ACM Opinion

The Trouble With Brain Science

Are we ever going to figure out how the brain works?

How Not to Build a Brain
From ACM Opinion

How Not to Build a Brain

Building a brain sounds like a worthy goal, one that makes it seem as though the future is within reach.

Early-­niverse Explorer Looks For Answers
From ACM Opinion

Early-­niverse Explorer Looks For Answers

On March 17, a panel of four astrophysicists held a press conference at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., to announce that they...

The Oculus Rift Game That's So Real It Nearly Destroyed Me
From ACM Opinion

The Oculus Rift Game That's So Real It Nearly Destroyed Me

I can hear the alien breathing.

Forget Turing, the Lovelace Test Has a Better Shot at Spotting AI
From ACM Opinion

Forget Turing, the Lovelace Test Has a Better Shot at Spotting AI

When a chatbot called Eugene Goostman passed Alan Turing's famous measure of machine intelligence in June by posing as a Ukrainian teenager with questionable language...

The Most Annoying Problem in Computing Is Still Unsolved
From ACM Opinion

The Most Annoying Problem in Computing Is Still Unsolved

When I travel these days, I tend to look like a walking Radio Shack—cords bursting out of my pockets, bag overflowing with chargers and accessories.

Will Computers Ever Replace Teachers?
From ACM Opinion

Will Computers Ever Replace Teachers?

The classroom looked like a call center.

The Hazards of Probing the Internet's Dark Side
From ACM Opinion

The Hazards of Probing the Internet's Dark Side

Late last year, hackers breached Target's data security and stole information from millions of credit cards.

Stop Complaining About the Facebook Study. It's a Golden Age For Research
From ACM Opinion

Stop Complaining About the Facebook Study. It's a Golden Age For Research

Several years ago, my student and I studied anonymous email server data from 40,000 students, faculty and staff at a large university.

Seeker, Doer, Giver, Ponderer
From ACM Opinion

Seeker, Doer, Giver, Ponderer

James H. Simons likes to play against type.

Billy Beane on the Future of Sports: A Tech-Driven Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Billy Beane on the Future of Sports: A Tech-Driven Revolution

Baseball—my passion and profession for three decades—has been at the forefront of the analytics revolution sweeping through sports.

Arm Tries to Spread Its Chips to Forests, Felds, and Factories
From ACM Opinion

Arm Tries to Spread Its Chips to Forests, Felds, and Factories

Forest fire on the way? Building stress getting too high? Farmland too moist?

Keeping Time By Rubidium at the Naval Observatory
From ACM Careers

Keeping Time By Rubidium at the Naval Observatory

You know when you dial a number, and a man reads you the exact time at the tone? That precise timekeeping starts at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C.

7 Things You Should Know About Tor
From ACM Opinion

7 Things You Should Know About Tor

We posted last week about the Tor Challenge and why everyone should use Tor.
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