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Business Models For Strategy and Innovation
From Communications of the ACM

Business Models For Strategy and Innovation

While often ambiguously defined, business models are central to innovation.

Why Microsoft's Surface Tablet Shames the Pc Industry
From ACM Opinion

Why Microsoft's Surface Tablet Shames the Pc Industry

On June 18, Microsoft beckoned 200 or so members of the media to a grimy, industrial part of Hollywood for what it described as a can’t-miss affair.

How Flame Virus Has Changed Everything For Online Security Firms
From ACM Opinion

How Flame Virus Has Changed Everything For Online Security Firms

Here's a question: if you connect an unprotected Windows computer to the Internet, how long will it take before it is infected by malicious software?

Meet the Intel Man Who's Out to Beat Arm in Smartphones
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Intel Man Who's Out to Beat Arm in Smartphones

It's not often you meet someone in the tech industry for whom the only way is up, but Intel's Michael A. Bell is one of those people.

What Have We Learned: Flame Malware
From ACM Opinion

What Have We Learned: Flame Malware

When the news about the Flame malware first broke several weeks ago, people from all parts of the security community, political world and elsewhere quickly began...

'brave' Director Talks About the Pixar Process
From ACM Opinion

'brave' Director Talks About the Pixar Process

Mark Andrews has worked in animation and live-action as a storyboard artist, story supervisor, writer, and even as a voice actor, including The Incredibles, John...

Inside Google's Plan to Build a Catalog of Every Single Thing, Ever
From ACM Opinion

Inside Google's Plan to Build a Catalog of Every Single Thing, Ever

The ugly truth is that computers don't know anything. They have no common sense.

How Depressives Surf the Web
From ACM News

How Depressives Surf the Web

In what way do you spend your time online? Do you check your email compulsively? Watch lots of videos? Switch frequently among multiple Internet applications—from...

Google's New Brain Could Have a Big Impact
From ACM News

Google's New Brain Could Have a Big Impact

A store of information dubbed the "Knowledge Graph" now adds useful context and detail to the list of links that Google serves up.

Linus Torvalds: Linux Succeeded Thanks to Selfishness and Trust
From ACM Opinion

Linus Torvalds: Linux Succeeded Thanks to Selfishness and Trust

Linux creator Linus Torvalds has won the Millennium Technology Prize and an accompanying cheque for 600,000 euros ($756,000; £486,000) from the Technology Academy...

Desktop Computers Look More and More Like Smartphones
From ACM Opinion

Desktop Computers Look More and More Like Smartphones

If you're an experienced computer user, you probably remember explaining to newbies how a desktop computer worked: Your photos should go in this folder; your documents...

What Facebook Knows
From ACM News

What Facebook Knows

If Facebook were a country, a conceit that founder Mark Zuckerberg has entertained in public, its 900 million members would make it the third largest in the world...

World's Largest Organization For Computer Professionals Comes Out Against Cispa
From ACM Opinion

World's Largest Organization For Computer Professionals Comes Out Against Cispa

The U.S. Public Policy Council of the Association of Computing Machinery, representing ACM, came out against CISPA, the cybersecurity legislation recently passed...

Analyzing the Cybersecurity Threat Posed By Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Analyzing the Cybersecurity Threat Posed By Hackers

In an interview, Northeastern University professor Themis Papa­george discusses the cybersecurity threat presented by rogue hacker groups such as Anonymous, and...

Google Fights Back in China
From ACM News

Google Fights Back in China

Two giants on the world stage are battling over the future of information.

Apple's Stash of Credit Card Numbers Is Its Secret Weapon
From ACM News

Apple's Stash of Credit Card Numbers Is Its Secret Weapon

That little iPhone in your pocket is perfectly positioned to become a clone of the credit cards in your wallet or purse.

Is Flame Virus Fallout a Chinese, Russian Plot to Control the Internet?
From ACM Opinion

Is Flame Virus Fallout a Chinese, Russian Plot to Control the Internet?

Has the U.S. government been caught with its virtual hands in the world's cookie jar? And might it lose control of the Internet as a consequence?

From ACM News

Back to Stuxnet: The Missing Link

Two weeks ago, when we announced the discovery of the Flame malware we said that we saw no strong similarity between its code and programming style with that of ...

Zoran Popovi?: Recruiting Gamers to Fight Disease
From ACM Opinion

Zoran Popovi?: Recruiting Gamers to Fight Disease

Proteins are the workhorses of our cells: They turn food into energy and determine our health. Each one is a chain of molecules—sometimes thousands of links long—that...

From ACM Opinion

Drones, Computer Viruses, and Blowback

Another day, another senior al-Qaeda leader killed by a drone strike. (I can't be the first to point out that being al-Qaeda's No. 2 is like being the drummer for...
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