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How We Build Things
From Communications of the ACM

How We Build Things: . . . and Why Things Are 90% Complete

It seems to be a law of software development that things always take longer than we expect. When a project manager talks to a designer, programmer, or tester...

The Apple-Samsung Lawsuits
From Communications of the ACM

The Apple-Samsung Lawsuits

In search of a middle ground in the intellectual property wars.

Debunker of Doomsday: Nasa Scientist Tries to Talk Some Sense Into the World
From ACM Opinion

Debunker of Doomsday: Nasa Scientist Tries to Talk Some Sense Into the World

Swirling with lunacy and paranoia, the theories warn of mayhem and cataclysm.

'the Idea We Live in a Simulation Isn't Science Fiction'
From ACM Opinion

'the Idea We Live in a Simulation Isn't Science Fiction'

If the universe is just a Matrix-like simulation, how could we ever know? Physicist Silas Beane thinks he has the answer.

How Hackers Exploit 'the Seven Deadly Sins'
From ACM Opinion

How Hackers Exploit 'the Seven Deadly Sins'

This isn't the high tech wizardry of Hollywood but is a good, old-fashioned confidence trick.

How Google Is Taking the Knowledge Graph Global
From ACM News

How Google Is Taking the Knowledge Graph Global

Earlier this month, Google shared a fascinating statistic. The number of items in the company's Knowledge Graph—its database of people, places, and things, and...

Intellectual Ventures: Why the Patent System Needs Aggregators Like ­S
From ACM Opinion

Intellectual Ventures: Why the Patent System Needs Aggregators Like ­S

The U.S. patent system borrowed from mainland Europe a concept that had evolved over hundreds of years: the "moral right" for inventors to protect their ideas....

A Plea to Google: Protect Our Email Privacy
From ACM Opinion

A Plea to Google: Protect Our Email Privacy

We recently learned that even the director of the CIA, David Petraeus, can't seem to secure his private email conversations properly, and over the past month tech...

From ACM Opinion

Internet Regulation Seen at National Level As Treaty Talks Fail

The world's major Internet companies, backed by U.S. policymakers, got much of what they wanted last week when many nations refused to sign a global telecommunications...

Red Pill, Blue Pill: Is the ­niverse Just a Giant Computer Simulation?
From ACM Opinion

Red Pill, Blue Pill: Is the ­niverse Just a Giant Computer Simulation?

I've started making my way (skeptically) through Ray Kurzweil’s How to Create a Mind, and at the recommendation of a friend, I've also started keeping tabs on ...

Opening the Doors to the Life of Pi
From ACM Opinion

Opening the Doors to the Life of Pi

For those of us who have been intoxicated by the powers and possibilities of mathematics, the mystery isn't why that fascination developed but why it isn't universal...

How the ­n's 'game-Changing' Internet Treaty Failed
From ACM Opinion

How the ­n's 'game-Changing' Internet Treaty Failed

Did you know that, for the past two weeks, the future of the Internet has been at stake?

From ACM Opinion

I Am Not Big Brother

I've grown accustomed to reading inaccurate accounts of my day job. I'm in political data.

From ACM Opinion

Zeitgeist 2012: What Piqued Your Curiosity This Year?

As 2012 comes to a close, it's time for our 12th annual Year-End Zeitgeist—an in-depth look at the "spirit of the times" as seen through the billions of searches...

IBM Research Honcho: From the Pentagon to the 'toy Shop'
From ACM Opinion

IBM Research Honcho: From the Pentagon to the 'toy Shop'

Zachary Lemnios, who was U.S. assistant secretary of defense for research and engineering, gave up his Pentagon role to become IBM's vice president of research...

Workplace Distractions: Here's Why You Won't Finish This Article
From ACM Opinion

Workplace Distractions: Here's Why You Won't Finish This Article

In the few minutes it takes to read this article, chances are you'll pause to check your phone, answer a text, switch to your desktop to read an email from the...

The Fog of Cyberwar
From ACM Opinion

The Fog of Cyberwar

In mid-2010, thousands of centrifuges, enriching uranium at Iranian nuclear research facilities, spun out of control.

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'
From ACM Opinion

'biology Is a Manufacturing Capability'

Soon we'll be able to engineer living things with mechanical precision, says Tom Knight, father of synthetic biology.

How London's Silicon Roundabout Really Got Started
From ACM Careers

How London's Silicon Roundabout Really Got Started

Four years ago developer Matt Biddulph jokingly coined "Silicon Roundabout" as a description of East London's small but growing startup scene—now it's become the...

No Longer Vaporware: The Internet of Things Is Finally Talking
From ACM Opinion

No Longer Vaporware: The Internet of Things Is Finally Talking

The rise of the machines has begun: Steve Sande’s household fan is now self-aware.
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