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Internet Anti-Piracy Bill Would Chill Free Expression

A bill in the House aims to fight online piracy, but its blunderbuss approach would cripple online innovation and chill free expression on the Web.

Walter Isaacson, Biographer of Steve Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Walter Isaacson, Biographer of Steve Jobs

I’ve known Steve off and on since 1984. I was at Time magazine and he came to our offices to show us the original Macintosh. He was talking about these icons...

Managing the Demise of Privacy
From ACM News

Managing the Demise of Privacy

Entrepreneurs and venture capitalists examine identity management in social media at the Privacy Identity Innovation conference.

Doctoral Program Rankings For U.S. Computing Programs
From Communications of the ACM

Doctoral Program Rankings For U.S. Computing Programs: The National Research Council Strikes Out

A proposal for improving doctoral program ranking strategy.

The Grounding Practice
From Communications of the ACM

The Grounding Practice

The skill of making and recognizing grounded claims is essential for professional practice. Getting objective data to support your conclusions is not enough.

Data Trends on Minorities and People with Disabilities in Computing
From Communications of the ACM

Data Trends on Minorities and People with Disabilities in Computing

Seeking a comprehensive view of minority student demographics to determine what programs and policies are needed to promote diversity.

Debugging on Live Systems
From Communications of the ACM

Debugging on Live Systems

It is more of a social than a technical problem.

On Turbocharged, Heat-Seeking, Robotic Fishing Poles
From Communications of the ACM

On Turbocharged, Heat-Seeking, Robotic Fishing Poles

There is a well-known proverb, "If you give someone a fish, they'll eat for a day; if you teach them how to fish, they'll eat for a lifetime." The point is obvious...

The Legacy of Steve Jobs
From Communications of the ACM

The Legacy of Steve Jobs

Reflecting on the career and contributions of the Apple cofounder.

Life, Death, and the iPad: Cultural Symbols and Steve Jobs
From Communications of the ACM

Life, Death, and the iPad: Cultural Symbols and Steve Jobs

In the days that followed Steve Jobs' death, he was frequently compared to Henry Ford and Thomas Edison. But Jobs was creating experiences, not technologies or...

The Most Ancient Marketing
From Communications of the ACM

The Most Ancient Marketing

Before Apple, Steve Jobs famously went to India with a college friend. While I never had occasion to talk to Jobs about it, I have a theory I wish I had a chance...

Occupy the Net!
From ACM Opinion

Occupy the Net!

What would George Orwell make of Facebook? Nothing really: His account would probably be deactivated by the company. If he were lucky, he would be told to produce...

From ACM Opinion

The Last Person

There is a concept in telecommunications called "the last mile," that part of any phone system that is the most difficult to connect—the part that goes from the...

Slow Train to the Future
From ACM Opinion

Slow Train to the Future

Tablets are in, computer labs are out, and the cloud is the new hard drive, according to technology futurists. But a new survey from Student Monitor suggests...

From ACM Opinion

Will Cloud Computing Make Everything (and Everyone) Work Harder?

What do the following have in common: Computers, limousines, empty beds and stay-at-home moms? The cloud keeps them busy. The rest of us are next. Virtualization...

From ACM Opinion

­.s. Anti-Hacking Law Turns Computer ­sers Into Criminals

A commonly invoked anti-hacking law is so overbroad that it criminalizes conduct as innocuous as using a fake user name on Facebook or fibbing about your weight...

From ACM Opinion

Privacy Loses in Twitter/wikileaks Records Battle

A district court judge in Virginia ruled against online privacy, allowing U.S federal investigators to collect private records of three Twitter users as part of...

From ACM Opinion

Our High-Tech Health-Care Future

Why can't Americans tap into the ingenuity that put men on the moon, created the Internet, and sequenced the human genome to revitalize our economy?

From ACM Opinion

How Can Malware Be Stopped?

The world of cybersecurity is starting to resemble a paranoid thriller.

From ACM Opinion

The Court's Gps Test

There were no GPS tracking devices when the framers wrote the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches. But that does not mean this sometimes...
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