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Web Pioneer Tries to Incubate a Second Digital Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Web Pioneer Tries to Incubate a Second Digital Revolution

Brian Behlendorf knows it's a cliché for veteran technologists like himself to argue that society could be run much better if we just had the right software.

How Twitter Bots Are Shaping the Election
From ACM Opinion

How Twitter Bots Are Shaping the Election

There is power in numbers, or so the saying goes. But statistics mean different things to different people. Take Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, for instance.

Today's Artificial Intelligence Does Not Justify Basic Income
From ACM Opinion

Today's Artificial Intelligence Does Not Justify Basic Income

Not a day goes by when we do not hear about the threat of AI taking over the jobs of everyone from truck drivers to accountants to radiologists.

Nate Silver Blew It When He Missed Trump. Now He Really Needs to Get It Right.
From ACM Opinion

Nate Silver Blew It When He Missed Trump. Now He Really Needs to Get It Right.

Nate Silver is on the downtown 1 train. Possibly because he looks like a (modestly) hip math teacher, and hardly looks up from his phone, he goes unrecognized until...

America Isn't Ready For a Cyberattack
From ACM Opinion

America Isn't Ready For a Cyberattack

The recent cyberattack that rendered more than 1,200 websites unreachable was a warning. Experts say a similar, or larger, attack could be launched tomorrow, and...

E-Voting Refuses to Die Even Though It's Neither Secure Nor Secret
From ACM Opinion

E-Voting Refuses to Die Even Though It's Neither Secure Nor Secret

In theory, using the internet or e-mail to vote for the U.S. president sounds like a good idea.

The Decline in Chinese Cyberattacks: The Story Behind the Numbers
From ACM Opinion

The Decline in Chinese Cyberattacks: The Story Behind the Numbers

Last summer, an audience of government officials, military personnel, and foreign ambassadors gathered in Aspen, Colorado, to hear John Carlin, then an assistant...

A.i. Inspiration: The Science Fiction That Frames Discussion
From ACM Opinion

A.i. Inspiration: The Science Fiction That Frames Discussion

Science fiction comes up often in serious discussions about artificial intelligence and weapons.

AI Is Not Out to Get ­S
From ACM Opinion

AI Is Not Out to Get ­S

Elon Musk's new plan to go all-in on self-driving vehicles puts a lot of faith in the artificial intelligence needed to ensure his Teslas can read and react to...

Inside Microsoft's Quest For a Topological Quantum Computer
From ACM Opinion

Inside Microsoft's Quest For a Topological Quantum Computer

The race is on build a "universal" quantum computer. Such a device could be programmed to speedily solve problems that classical computers cannot crack, potentially...

Could Obama's Threat of Retaliation Against Russia Lead to Cyberwar?
From ACM Opinion

Could Obama's Threat of Retaliation Against Russia Lead to Cyberwar?

Late last week Obama administration officials used NBC News to send Moscow a cryptic threat: The U.S. government is "contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert...

Whoever Wins the White House, This Year's Big Loser Is Email
From ACM Opinion

Whoever Wins the White House, This Year's Big Loser Is Email

Every four years, pundits race to anoint this or that newfangled tech trend as the next disruptive force to forever alter the mechanics of American democracy.

Dwarf Planets Aren't Big News, Because Astronomy Is Doing a Great Job
From ACM Opinion

Dwarf Planets Aren't Big News, Because Astronomy Is Doing a Great Job

Last week, astronomers  announced the discovery of DeeDee, a possible dwarf planet. That name—dwarf planet—means it is like Pluto: Massive enough to assume a spherical...

Inside Nat Geo's Incredible Documentary Mission to Mars
From ACM Opinion

Inside Nat Geo's Incredible Documentary Mission to Mars

A spaceship is preparing to land on Mars when the crew notices that one of the thrusters isn’t firing.

I Just Want Nate Silver to Tell Me It's All Going to Be Fine
From ACM Opinion

I Just Want Nate Silver to Tell Me It's All Going to Be Fine

Evan has a habit. He's not ashamed of it, but he doesn't want to reveal too much about himself, lest his colleagues learn how he’s spending so much of his time.

How to Turn Your Self-Driving Car Into a Time Machine
From ACM Opinion

How to Turn Your Self-Driving Car Into a Time Machine

The self-driving car's greatest promise is that it will buy its passengers that most precious and finite of resources: time.

Obama's Concerned an AI Could Hack America's Nukes
From ACM Opinion

Obama's Concerned an AI Could Hack America's Nukes

During his eight years in office, President Barack Obama has seen hackers grow into a threat no president has faced before.

Welcome Your New Robot Overlords: Humans
From ACM Opinion

Welcome Your New Robot Overlords: Humans

I became a robot.

Surveillance in the Post-Obama Era
From ACM Opinion

Surveillance in the Post-Obama Era

During his 2008 campaign, President Obama vowed to assert greater oversight of the massive surveillance apparatus built in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, arguing...

Can a Chatbot Teach You a Foreign Language? Duolingo Thinks So
From ACM Opinion

Can a Chatbot Teach You a Foreign Language? Duolingo Thinks So

Chatbots suck.
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