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'brutal Doom' Makes One of the Best Games Ever Made Even Better
From ACM Opinion

'brutal Doom' Makes One of the Best Games Ever Made Even Better

I still measure every first-person shooter that's released today against the two decades-old Doom, or, more accurately, my memory of playing it as a tween.

Finding Out What the Past Smelled Like
From ACM Opinion

Finding Out What the Past Smelled Like

It was the smell that hit me first, a heady mixture of roasting meat, woodsmoke, and farmyard manure.

How Apple's Embrace of the New ­sb Points to World Without Wires
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How Apple's Embrace of the New ­sb Points to World Without Wires

Ready or not, Apple's new MacBook is cutting the computing industry's cables.

The 12 Tech Nuisances That Annoy ­s Most
From ACM Opinion

The 12 Tech Nuisances That Annoy ­s Most

You know those days when your phone battery doesn't even make it to dinner?

Smartphones Set For Large-Scale Health Studies
From ACM Opinion

Smartphones Set For Large-Scale Health Studies

Countless owners of smartphones and wearable devices are already using their devices to track their sleep, exercise, blood pressure and other measures of health...

Here's What Will Truly Change Higher Education: Online Degrees That Are Seen as Official
From ACM Opinion

Here's What Will Truly Change Higher Education: Online Degrees That Are Seen as Official

Three years ago, technology was going to transform higher education. What happened?

Year Zero: Our Life Timelines Begin
From ACM Opinion

Year Zero: Our Life Timelines Begin

In 10 years, every human connected to the Internet will have a timeline.

The Mathematics Behind Internet Virality
From ACM Opinion

The Mathematics Behind Internet Virality

For a few days in late February, the world stopped to argue over a photograph.

How to Restore Trust in American Technology
From ACM Opinion

How to Restore Trust in American Technology

Last November in the town of Wuzhen, China hosted its first large international summit on Internet governance and cybersecurity.

There Is Actually One Thing You Can Do to Fight the Surveillance Machine
From ACM Opinion

There Is Actually One Thing You Can Do to Fight the Surveillance Machine

Reading this right now?

Get Creative at Your Desk With a Little Playtime
From ACM Opinion

Get Creative at Your Desk With a Little Playtime

Playing with a geometric puzzle or stress ball at your desk can seem like idle diversion. It may also spark clearer or more creative thinking.

Are Your Devices Hardwired For Betrayal?
From ACM Opinion

Are Your Devices Hardwired For Betrayal?

It's an interesting time to be a computer security researcher.

The Easiest Way to Get Hacked: ­se Phone at Phone Show
From ACM Opinion

The Easiest Way to Get Hacked: ­se Phone at Phone Show

After Net Neutrality Vote, an ­ncertain Future For the Internet
From ACM Opinion

After Net Neutrality Vote, an ­ncertain Future For the Internet

Thursday, during a rancorous meeting of the Federal Communications Commission, the agencyvoted 3-2 to impose public utility regulations on Internet access providers...

The World Loves the Smartphone. So How About a Smart Home?
From ACM Opinion

The World Loves the Smartphone. So How About a Smart Home?

My coffee maker is texting me again. It's scheduled to make coffee tomorrow, the message says, but I need to refill its water tank.

Why Everyone Was Wrong About Net Neutrality
From ACM Opinion

Why Everyone Was Wrong About Net Neutrality

Today, the Federal Communications Commission, by a vote of three to two, enacted its strongest-ever rules on net neutrality, preserving an open Internet by prohibiting...

Surveillance-Based Manipulation: How Facebook or Google Could Tilt Elections
From ACM Opinion

Surveillance-Based Manipulation: How Facebook or Google Could Tilt Elections

Someone who knows things about us has some measure of control over us, and someone who knows everything about us has a lot of control over us.

Why Digital Natives Prefer Reading in Print. Yes, You Read That Right.
From ACM Opinion

Why Digital Natives Prefer Reading in Print. Yes, You Read That Right.

Frank Schembari loves books—printed books.

Why Did Computer Science Make a Hero Out of Turing?
From Communications of the ACM

Why Did Computer Science Make a Hero Out of Turing?

Comparing the legacy of Alan Turing in computer science with that of Carl Friedrich Gauss in mathematics.

The Real Software Crisis
From Communications of the ACM

The Real Software Crisis: Repeatability as a Core Value

Sharing experiences running artifact evaluation committees for five major conferences.
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