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3 Questions on Killer Robots
From ACM Opinion

3 Questions on Killer Robots

Delegates to the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons are meeting this week in Geneva to discuss fully autonomous weapons—machines that could...

The Inner Lives of Robots: An Interview with Filmmaker Alex Garland
From ACM Opinion

The Inner Lives of Robots: An Interview with Filmmaker Alex Garland

Like self-replicating machines, robot movies are taking over Hollywood.

Snowden's 'sexy Margaret Thatcher' Password Isn't So Secure
From ACM Opinion

Snowden's 'sexy Margaret Thatcher' Password Isn't So Secure

Edward Snowden appears to have a thing for the late British conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher. And his obsession may even be clouding his famously paranoid...

Meet the Bots
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Bots

The day that science fiction writers have feared for so long has finally come—the machines have risen up.

Why Mlb Fans Should Lament the Failure of Google Glass
From ACM Opinion

Why Mlb Fans Should Lament the Failure of Google Glass

The consumer tech world received a jolt in January when the Wall Street Journal reported that Google executives were freezing all sales of its futuristically goofy...

Sight ­nseen (the Hows and Whys of Invisibility)
From ACM Opinion

Sight ­nseen (the Hows and Whys of Invisibility)

It is possible, according to many sources, to become invisible, but you must be patient, methodical, and willing to eat almost anything.

Hbo's John Oliver Hits Snowden Hard on Nsa Leaks
From ACM Opinion

Hbo's John Oliver Hits Snowden Hard on Nsa Leaks

Edward Snowden and an unlikely interviewer squared-off on HBO over the leaks that exposed the National Security Agency's extensive surveillance programs.

Toolkits For the Mind
From ACM Opinion

Toolkits For the Mind

When the Japanese computer scientist Yukihiro Matsumoto decided to create Ruby, a programming language that has helped build Twitter, Hulu, and much of the modern...

Germanwings Flight 9525, Technology, and the Question of Trust
From ACM Opinion

Germanwings Flight 9525, Technology, and the Question of Trust

Shortly before the dreadful crash of Germanwings Flight 9525, I happened to be reading part of "The Second Machine Age," a book by two academics at M.I.T., Erik...

First White House Data Chief Discusses His Top Priorities
From ACM Opinion

First White House Data Chief Discusses His Top Priorities

Data science is not entirely new to Washington, D.C.—nor is DJ Patil, who was recently named as the U.S.'s first chief data scientist.

David and Goliath: What Do We Do About Surveillance?
From ACM Opinion

David and Goliath: What Do We Do About Surveillance?

"Dear subscriber, you have been registered as a participant in a mass disturbance."

Nsa Doesn't Need to Spy on Your Calls to Learn Your Secrets
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Doesn't Need to Spy on Your Calls to Learn Your Secrets

Governments and corporations gather, store, and analyze the tremendous amount of data we chuff out as we move through our digitized lives.

Who Builds a House Without Drawing Blueprints?
From Communications of the ACM

Who Builds a House Without Drawing Blueprints?

Finding a better solution by thinking about the problem and its solution, rather than just thinking about the code.

Raw Networking
From Communications of the ACM

Raw Networking

Relevance and repeatability.

Competing in Emerging Markets
From Communications of the ACM

Competing in Emerging Markets

Considering the many different paths and unprecedented opportunities for companies exploring emerging markets.

Toward More Secure Software
From Communications of the ACM

Toward More Secure Software

Two proposals intended to reduce flaws in software use two very different approaches for software security.

Edward Snowden Issues 'call to Arms' For Tech Companies in Secret Sxsw Meeting
From ACM Opinion

Edward Snowden Issues 'call to Arms' For Tech Companies in Secret Sxsw Meeting

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden was a highlight of last year's SXSW, where he gave one of his first public speeches. This year, Snowden was back at SXSW—but only...

Don't Want Nsa to Spy on Your Email? 5 Things You Can Do
From ACM Opinion

Don't Want Nsa to Spy on Your Email? 5 Things You Can Do

More than half of Americans are worried about the U.S. government's digital spies prying into their emails, texts, search requests and other online information,...

To Pi and Beyond
From ACM Opinion

To Pi and Beyond

Possibly not everyone knows that March 14th is Pi Day, in honor of the symbol used to denote the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

Data and Goliath: Bruce Schneier on the Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World
From ACM Opinion

Data and Goliath: Bruce Schneier on the Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World

The book chronicles how governments and corporation have built an unprecedented surveillance state.
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