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Keeping Time By Rubidium at the Naval Observatory
From ACM Careers

Keeping Time By Rubidium at the Naval Observatory

You know when you dial a number, and a man reads you the exact time at the tone? That precise timekeeping starts at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C.

7 Things You Should Know About Tor
From ACM Opinion

7 Things You Should Know About Tor

We posted last week about the Tor Challenge and why everyone should use Tor.

Ray Kurzweil Says He's Breathing Intelligence Into Google Search
From ACM Opinion

Ray Kurzweil Says He's Breathing Intelligence Into Google Search

The big announcements at Google's I/O event in San Francisco Wednesday didn't mention Web search, the technology that got the company started and made it so successful...

Should We Fear the Robots of the Future?
From ACM Opinion

Should We Fear the Robots of the Future?

The world's oldest technology magazine is the MIT Technology Review.

Structural Challenges and the Need to Adapt
From Communications of the ACM

Structural Challenges and the Need to Adapt

Broadening the conversation about scholars and scholarship in computing and information research.

The Business of the State
From Communications of the ACM

The Business of the State

Considering the opportunities and challenges for commercial firms involved with government business process outsourcing.

The Beautiful, Invisible Game
From ACM Opinion

The Beautiful, Invisible Game

The first goal of the 2014 World Cup was Brazilian, and it was an own goal.

How the Supreme Court Ruling Affects Aereo, the Cloud, and You
From ACM Opinion

How the Supreme Court Ruling Affects Aereo, the Cloud, and You

The chief of streaming-TV start-up Aereo has said his mission to bring unbundled broadcast TV to the Internet has greater stakes than just the fate of his company—and...

Google's Sundar Pichai Is the Most Powerful Man in Mobile
From ACM Opinion

Google's Sundar Pichai Is the Most Powerful Man in Mobile

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January, Samsung introduced new software for its tablets, called the Magazine UX.

These Psychedelic Images Find Order Amid Chaos
From ACM News

These Psychedelic Images Find Order Amid Chaos

What do you see when you look at these images?

Nypd Commissioner Bill Bratton Advocates For Security Cameras to Be Added to All City Subway Cars
From ACM Opinion

Nypd Commissioner Bill Bratton Advocates For Security Cameras to Be Added to All City Subway Cars

The NYPD could have dozens of new eyes in the transit system—without a cop setting foot on a train—if a plan to put surveillance cameras in subway cars gets the...

Three Questions with Amazon's Technology Chief, Werner Vogels
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions with Amazon's Technology Chief, Werner Vogels

In the eight years since rolled out its cloud-computing business, Amazon Web Services, this has grown from a side project that took advantage of the...

Quantum Chaos: After a Failed Speed Test, the D-Wave Debate Continues
From ACM Opinion

Quantum Chaos: After a Failed Speed Test, the D-Wave Debate Continues

How hard can it be to determine whether a computer works as promised?

What Everyone Gets Wrong in the Debate Over Net Neutrality
From ACM Opinion

What Everyone Gets Wrong in the Debate Over Net Neutrality

Even Sunday night HBO watchers are worried the Federal Communications Commission will soon put an end to net neutrality.

Why I'm Not in a Hurry For a 'smart Home'
From ACM Opinion

Why I'm Not in a Hurry For a 'smart Home'

Here's what it's like to wake up in America's smartest home.

Stephen Hawking: AI Could Be a 'real Danger'
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Hawking: AI Could Be a 'real Danger'

I don't want to frighten you.

Google's Eyes in the Sky
From ACM Opinion

Google's Eyes in the Sky

When Sergey Brin and Larry Page built the search engine that would become Google, they started by making maps.

Dobby, Pikachu, and Kermit Are My Robots' Role Models
From ACM Opinion

Dobby, Pikachu, and Kermit Are My Robots' Role Models

Humanoid robots aren't very charismatic yet.

China's Anti-Windows 8 Tirade
From ACM Opinion

China's Anti-Windows 8 Tirade

China's ambivalence about American technology has long been clear, but recently the nation kicked off a fresh, trash-talking effort targeting Windows 8, suggesting...

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is
From ACM Opinion

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is

Whether or not you caught wind of the excited announcement that "Eugene Goostman," a computer program ("chatbot") devised by Vladimir Veselov, Eugene Demchenko,...
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