From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Technical training today should not be solely in the business of making better coders but of making better people who will be able to cultivate the future.
Scientific American From ACM Opinion | April 2, 2020
The spread of the novel coronavirus around the world has proven conclusively that the Internet should be a public utility.
Quartz From ACM Opinion | March 30, 2020
Seeking to improve access to conferences and provide support for attendees with children.
Audrey Girouard, Jon E. Froehlich, Regan L. Mandryk, Mark Hancock From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2020
Examining the structure of the enterprise attack surface in view of the relative ease with which cyberdefenses can be subverted.
Gaurav Banga From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2020
Considering the implications of the influence of artificial intelligence given previous industrial revolutions.
Mari Sako From Communications of the ACM | April 1, 2020
Six black women discuss how they got started in tech, provide advice to other black women looking to start in the industry, and suggest what tech companies can...Refinery29 From ACM Careers | March 20, 2020
Critics say false positives are far higher for some groups of people than for others, but supporters of the technology says the actual numbers involved are tiny...The Wall Street Journal From ACM Opinion | February 25, 2020
Considering the far-reaching and fundamental implications of computing beyond digital computers.
Omer Reingold From Communications of the ACM | March 1, 2020
Artificial intelligence has confronted us with a raft of dilemmas that challenge us to decide what values are important in our designs.
Peter J. Denning, Dorothy E. Denning From Communications of the ACM | March 1, 2020
Culturally responsive computing repurposes computer science education by making it meaningful to not only students, but also to their families and communities.
...Michael Lachney, Aman Yadav From Communications of the ACM | March 1, 2020
The United States needs to wrest the high-tech initiative from China and re-establish American dominance in telecommunications, computation, artificial intelligence...PJ Media From ACM Opinion | February 18, 2020
Ever wonder why we could write software to get to the Moon, but not to count votes? Here are five reasons.
InfoWorld From ACM Opinion | February 11, 2020
Given how critical the cloud has become for a huge swath of the tech economy, maybe we should ask ourselves whether this infrastructure should be in the hands of...Wired From ACM Opinion | February 10, 2020
Virtual reality has been touted as an "empathy machine" that lets users see what it's like to have a disability—but people with disabilities often can't use it....Scientific American From ACM Opinion | January 30, 2020
The possibility of an artificial intelligence arms race poses a threat to international security similar to that of a conventional or nuclear armament race.
Daily Sabah From ACM Opinion | January 27, 2020
Students should interact with one another to practice skills and construct their own understanding, with assistance from a teacher acting as a coach and guide —...Clif Kussmaul From Communications of the ACM | February 1, 2020