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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorPat Helland

Data on the Outside versus Data on the Inside
From Communications of the ACM

Data on the Outside versus Data on the Inside

Data kept outside SQL has different characteristics from data kept inside.

The Best Place to Build a Subway
From Communications of the ACM

The Best Place to Build a Subway

Building projects despite (and because of) existing complex systems.

Space Time Discontinuum
From Communications of the ACM

Space Time Discontinuum

Combining data from many sources may cause painful delays.

Write Amplification vs. Read Perspiration
From Communications of the ACM

Write Amplification vs. Read Perspiration

The trade-offs between write and read.

Extract, Shoehorn, and Load
From Communications of the ACM

Extract, Shoehorn, and Load

Data doesn't always fit nicely into a new home.

Identity by Any Other Name
From Communications of the ACM

Identity by Any Other Name

The complex cacophony of intertwined systems.

Mind Your State for Your State of Mind
From Communications of the ACM

Mind Your State for Your State of Mind

The interactions between storage and applications can be complex and subtle.

Consistently Eventual
From Communications of the ACM

Consistently Eventual

For many data items, the work never settles on a value.

XML and JSON Are Like Cardboard
From Communications of the ACM

XML and JSON Are Like Cardboard

Cardboard surrounds and protects stuff as it crosses boundaries.

Side Effects, Front and Center
From Communications of the ACM

Side Effects, Front and Center

One system's side effect is another's meat and potatoes.

Life Beyond Distributed Transactions
From Communications of the ACM

Life Beyond Distributed Transactions

An apostate's opinion.

The Power of Babble
From Communications of the ACM

The Power of Babble

Expect to be constantly and pleasantly befuddled.

The Singular Success of SQL
From Communications of the ACM

The Singular Success of SQL

SQL has a brilliant future as a major figure in the pantheon of data representations.

Immutability Changes Everything
From Communications of the ACM

Immutability Changes Everything

We need it, we can afford it, and the time is now.

Idempotence Is Not a Medical Condition
From Communications of the ACM

Idempotence Is Not a Medical Condition

Messages may be retried. Idempotence means that's OK.

If You Have Too Much Data, Then 'Good Enough' Is Good Enough
From Communications of the ACM

If You Have Too Much Data, Then 'Good Enough' Is Good Enough

In today's humongous database systems, clarity may be relaxed, but business needs can still be met.
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