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Communications of the ACM

Latest Practice

Security Mismatch
From Communications of the ACM

Security Mismatch

Security must be a business enabler, not a hinderer.

Knowing What You Need to Know
From Communications of the ACM

Knowing What You Need to Know

Personal, team, and organizational effectiveness can be improved with a little preparation.

Echoes of Intelligence
From Communications of the ACM

Echoes of Intelligence

Textual interpretation and large language models.

DevEX: What Actually Drives Productivity?
From Communications of the ACM

DevEX: What Actually Drives Productivity?

The developer-centric approach to measuring and improving productivity.

Designing a Framework for Conversational Interfaces
From Communications of the ACM

Designing a Framework for Conversational Interfaces

Combining the latest advances in machine learning with earlier approaches.

Sharpening Your Tools
From Communications of the ACM

Sharpening Your Tools

Updating bulk_extractor for the 2020s.

More Than Just Algorithms
From Communications of the ACM

More Than Just Algorithms

A discussion with Alfred Spector, Peter Norvig, Chris Wiggins, Jeannette Wing, Ben Fried, and Michael Tingley.
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