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Communications of the ACM

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The NSA and Snowden
From Communications of the ACM

The NSA and Snowden: Securing the All-Seeing Eye

How good security at the NSA could have stopped him.

A Primer on Provenance
From Communications of the ACM

A Primer on Provenance

Better understanding data requires tracking its history and context.

Don't Settle For Eventual Consistency
From Communications of the ACM

Don't Settle For Eventual Consistency

Stronger properties for low-latency geo-replicated storage.

Scaling Existing Lock-Based Applications with Lock Elision
From Communications of the ACM

Scaling Existing Lock-Based Applications with Lock Elision

Enabling existing lock-based programs to achieve performance benefits of nonblocking synchronization.

The API Performance Contract
From Communications of the ACM

The API Performance Contract

How can the expected interactions between caller and implementation be guaranteed?

Eventually Consistent
From Communications of the ACM

Eventually Consistent: Not What You Were Expecting?

Methods of quantifying consistency (or lack thereof) in eventually consistent storage systems.

Center Wheel For Success
From Communications of the ACM

Center Wheel For Success

"Not invented here" syndrome is not unique to the IT world.

Provenance in Sensor Data Management
From Communications of the ACM

Provenance in Sensor Data Management

A cohesive, independent solution for bringing provenance to scientific research.

Toward Software-Defined SLAs
From Communications of the ACM

Toward Software-Defined SLAs

Enterprise computing in the public cloud.

Making the Web Faster with HTTP 2.0
From Communications of the ACM

Making the Web Faster with HTTP 2.0

HTTP continues to evolve.

Barbarians at the Gateways
From Communications of the ACM

Barbarians at the Gateways

A special section on high-frequency trading and exchange technology.

Online Algorithms in High-Frequency Trading
From Communications of the ACM

Online Algorithms in High-Frequency Trading

The challenges faced by competing HFT algorithms.

Passively Measuring TCP Round-Trip Times
From Communications of the ACM

Passively Measuring TCP Round-Trip Times

A close look at round-trip time measurements with the Transmission Control Protocol.

The Antifragile Organization
From Communications of the ACM

The Antifragile Organization

Embracing failure to improve resilience and maximize availability.

Best Practices on the Move
From Communications of the ACM

Best Practices on the Move: Building Web Apps For Mobile Devices

Which practices should be modified or avoided altogether by developers for the mobile Web?

Structured Deferral
From Communications of the ACM

Structured Deferral: Synchronization via Procrastination

We simply do not have a synchronization mechanism that can enforce mutual exclusion.

There Is No Getting Around It
From Communications of the ACM

There Is No Getting Around It: You Are Building a Distributed System

Building a distributed system requires a methodical approach to requirements.

Real-Time GPU Audio
From Communications of the ACM

Real-Time GPU Audio

Real-time finite difference-based sound synthesis using graphics processors.

Resolved: The Internet Is No Place For Critical Infrastructure
From Communications of the ACM

Resolved: The Internet Is No Place For Critical Infrastructure

Risk is a necessary consequence of dependence.

Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery
From Communications of the ACM

Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery

Google ads, black names and white names, racial discrimination, and click advertising.
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