Better understanding data requires tracking its history and context.Lucian Carata, Sherif Akoush, Nikilesh Balakrishnan, Thomas Bytheway, Ripduman Sohan, Margo Seltzer, Andy Hopper From Communications of the ACM | May 2014
Stronger properties for low-latency geo-replicated storage.Wyatt Lloyd, Michael J. Freedman, Michael Kaminsky, David G. Andersen From Communications of the ACM | May 2014
Enabling existing lock-based programs to achieve performance benefits of nonblocking synchronization.Andi Kleen From Communications of the ACM | March 2014
How can the expected interactions between caller and implementation be guaranteed?
Robert F. Sproull, Jim Waldo From Communications of the ACM | March 2014
Methods of quantifying consistency (or lack thereof) in eventually consistent storage systems.Wojciech Golab, Muntasir R. Rahman, Alvin AuYoung, Kimberly Keeton, Xiaozhou (Steve) Li From Communications of the ACM | March 2014
A cohesive, independent solution for bringing provenance to scientific research.Zachary Hensley, Jibonananda Sanyal, Joshua New From Communications of the ACM | February 2014