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Communications of the ACM

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Why Cloud Computing Will Never Be Free
From Communications of the ACM

Why Cloud Computing Will Never Be Free

The competition among cloud providers may drive prices downward, but at what cost?

From Communications of the ACM

Enhanced Debugging With Traces

An essential technique used in emulator development is a useful addition to any programmer's toolbox.

A View of Cloud Computing
From Communications of the ACM

A View of Cloud Computing

Clearing the clouds away from the true potential and obstacles posed by this computing capability.

CTO Roundtable: Malware Defense
From Communications of the ACM

CTO Roundtable: Malware Defense

The battle is bigger than most of us realize.

Cooling the Data Center
From Communications of the ACM

Cooling the Data Center

What can be done to make cooling systems in data centers more energy efficient?

Global IT Management
From Communications of the ACM

Global IT Management: Structuring For Scale, Responsiveness, and Innovation

To succeed on a global scale, businesses should focus on a trio of key elements.

GFS: Evolution on Fast-Forward
From Communications of the ACM

GFS: Evolution on Fast-Forward

Kirk McKusick and Sean Quinlan discuss the origin and evolution of the Google File System.

Software Model Checking Takes Off
From Communications of the ACM

Software Model Checking Takes Off

A translator framework enables the use of model checking in complex avionics systems and other industrial settings.

Managing Contention For Shared Resources on Multicore Processors
From Communications of the ACM

Managing Contention For Shared Resources on Multicore Processors

Contention for caches, memory controllers, and interconnects can be eased by contention-aware scheduling algorithms.

Power-Efficient Software
From Communications of the ACM

Power-Efficient Software

Power-manageable hardware can help save energy, but what can software developers do to address the problem?

Triple-Parity RAID and Beyond
From Communications of the ACM

Triple-Parity RAID and Beyond

As hard-drive capacities continue to outpace their throughput, the time has come for a new level of RAID.

Other People's Data
From Communications of the ACM

Other People's Data

Companies have access to more types of external data than ever before. How can they integrate it most effectively?

Data in Flight
From Communications of the ACM

Data in Flight

How streaming SQL technology can help solve the Web 2.0 data crunch.

Maximizing Power Efficiency with Asymmetric Multicore Systems
From Communications of the ACM

Maximizing Power Efficiency with Asymmetric Multicore Systems

How do we develop software to make the most of the promise that asymmetric multicore systems use a lot less energy?

What DNS Is Not
From Communications of the ACM

What DNS Is Not

DNS is many things to many people — perhaps too many things to too many people.

You Don't Know Jack About Software Maintenance
From Communications of the ACM

You Don't Know Jack About Software Maintenance

Long considered an afterthought, software maintenance is easiest and most effective when built into a system from the ground up.

Four Billion Little Brothers?
From Communications of the ACM

Four Billion Little Brothers?: Privacy, Mobile Phones, and Ubiquitous Data Collection

Participatory sensing technologies could improve our lives and our communities, but at what cost to our privacy?

Communications Surveillance: Privacy and Security at Risk
From Communications of the ACM

Communications Surveillance: Privacy and Security at Risk

As the sophistication of wiretapping technology grows, so too do the risks it poses to our privacy and security.

Probing Biomolecular Machines with Graphics Processors
From Communications of the ACM

Probing Biomolecular Machines with Graphics Processors

GPU acceleration and other computer performance increases will offer critical benefits to biomedical science.

Monitoring and Control of Large Systems With MonALISA
From Communications of the ACM

Monitoring and Control of Large Systems With MonALISA

MonALISA developers describe how it works, the key design principles behind it, and the biggest technical challenges in building it.
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