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Communications of the ACM

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The Balancing Act of Choosing Nonblocking Features
From Communications of the ACM

The Balancing Act of Choosing Nonblocking Features

Design requirements of nonblocking systems.

20 Obstacles to Scalability
From Communications of the ACM

20 Obstacles to Scalability

Watch out for these pitfalls that can prevent Web application scaling.

An Overview of Non-Uniform Memory Access
From Communications of the ACM

An Overview of Non-Uniform Memory Access

NUMA becomes more common because memory controllers get close to execution units on microprocessors.

Rules For Mobile Performance Optimization
From Communications of the ACM

Rules For Mobile Performance Optimization

An overview of techniques to speed page loading.

There Is No Getting Around It
From Communications of the ACM

There Is No Getting Around It: You Are Building a Distributed System

Building a distributed system requires a methodical approach to requirements.

Real-Time GPU Audio
From Communications of the ACM

Real-Time GPU Audio

Real-time finite difference-based sound synthesis using graphics processors.

Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery
From Communications of the ACM

Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery

Google ads, black names and white names, racial discrimination, and click advertising.

A File System All Its Own
From Communications of the ACM

A File System All Its Own

Flash memory has come a long way and it is time for software to catch up.

How Fast Is Your Website?
From Communications of the ACM

How Fast Is Your Website?

Website performance data has never been more readily available.

Hazy: Making It Easier to Build and Maintain Big-Data Analytics
From Communications of the ACM

Hazy: Making It Easier to Build and Maintain Big-Data Analytics

Racing to unleash the full potential of big data with the latest statistical and machine-learning techniques.

The Story of the Teapot in DHTML
From Communications of the ACM

The Story of the Teapot in DHTML

It is easy to do amazing things, such as rendering the classic teapot in HTML and CSS.

Making the Mobile Web Faster
From Communications of the ACM

Making the Mobile Web Faster

Mobile performance issues? Fix the back end, not just the client.

Thinking Methodically About Performance
From Communications of the ACM

Thinking Methodically About Performance

The USE method addresses shortcomings in other commonly used methodologies.

A Decade of OS Access-Control Extensibility
From Communications of the ACM

A Decade of OS Access-Control Extensibility

Open source security foundations for mobile and embedded devices.

All Your Database Are Belong To Us
From Communications of the ACM

All Your Database Are Belong To Us

In the big open world of the cloud, highly available distributed objects will rule.

Controlling Queue Delay
From Communications of the ACM

Controlling Queue Delay

Active queue management is just one piece of the solution to persistently full buffers.

My Compiler Does Not Understand Me
From Communications of the ACM

My Compiler Does Not Understand Me

Until our programming languages catch up, code will be full of horrors.

Real-Time Computer Vision with OpenCV
From Communications of the ACM

Real-Time Computer Vision with OpenCV

Mobile computer-vision technology will soon become as ubiquitous as touch interfaces.

Idempotence Is Not a Medical Condition
From Communications of the ACM

Idempotence Is Not a Medical Condition

Messages may be retried. Idempotence means that's OK.

Your Mouse Is a Database
From Communications of the ACM

Your Mouse Is a Database

Web and mobile applications are increasingly composed of asynchronous and real-time streaming services and push notifications.
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