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Communications of the ACM

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Resilience Engineering
From Communications of the ACM

Resilience Engineering: Learning to Embrace Failure

A discussion with Jesse Robbins, Kripa Krishnan, John Allspaw, and Tom Limoncelli.

Weathering the Unexpected
From Communications of the ACM

Weathering the Unexpected

Failures happen, and resilience drills help organizations prepare for them.

Disks from the Perspective of a File System
From Communications of the ACM

Disks from the Perspective of a File System

Disks lie. And the controllers that run them are partners in crime.

Toward Higher Precision
From Communications of the ACM

Toward Higher Precision

An introduction to PTP and its significance to NTP practitioners.

All Your Database Are Belong To Us
From Communications of the ACM

All Your Database Are Belong To Us

In the big open world of the cloud, highly available distributed objects will rule.

Controlling Queue Delay
From Communications of the ACM

Controlling Queue Delay

Active queue management is just one piece of the solution to persistently full buffers.

My Compiler Does Not Understand Me
From Communications of the ACM

My Compiler Does Not Understand Me

Until our programming languages catch up, code will be full of horrors.

Modeling People and Places with Internet Photo Collections
From Communications of the ACM

Modeling People and Places with Internet Photo Collections

Understanding the world from the sea of online photos.

Real-Time Computer Vision with OpenCV
From Communications of the ACM

Real-Time Computer Vision with OpenCV

Mobile computer-vision technology will soon become as ubiquitous as touch interfaces.

Your Mouse Is a Database
From Communications of the ACM

Your Mouse Is a Database

Web and mobile applications are increasingly composed of asynchronous and real-time streaming services and push notifications.

CPU DB: Recording Microprocessor History
From Communications of the ACM

CPU DB: Recording Microprocessor History

With the open CPU DB database, you can mine microprocessor trends over the past 40 years.

SAGE: Whitebox Fuzzing For Security Testing
From Communications of the ACM

SAGE: Whitebox Fuzzing For Security Testing

SAGE has had a remarkable impact at Microsoft.

The Hyperdimensional Tar Pit
From Communications of the ACM

The Hyperdimensional Tar Pit

Make a guess, double the number, and then move to the next larger unit of time.

Advances and Challenges in Log Analysis
From Communications of the ACM

Advances and Challenges in Log Analysis

Logs contain a wealth of information to help manage systems.

How Will Astronomy Archives Survive the Data Tsunami?
From Communications of the ACM

How Will Astronomy Archives Survive the Data Tsunami?

Astronomers are collecting more data than ever. What practices can keep them ahead of the flood?

The Software Industry <i>is</i> the Problem
From Communications of the ACM

The Software Industry is the Problem

The time has come for software liability laws.

ACM CTO Roundtable on Mobile Devices in the Enterprise
From Communications of the ACM

ACM CTO Roundtable on Mobile Devices in the Enterprise

Finding solutions as growth and fragmentation complicate mobile device support.

The Most Expensive One-Byte Mistake
From Communications of the ACM

The Most Expensive One-Byte Mistake

Did Ken, Dennis, and Brian choose wrong with NUL-terminated text strings?

Arrogance in Business Planning
From Communications of the ACM

Arrogance in Business Planning

Technology business plans that assume no competition — ever.

The Robustness Principle Reconsidered
From Communications of the ACM

The Robustness Principle Reconsidered

In 1981, Jon Postel formulated the Robustness Principle. Although described for implementations of TCP, it was quickly accepted as a...
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