How can applications be built on eventually consistent infrastructure given no guarantee of safety?Peter Bailis, Ali Ghodsi From Communications of the ACM | May 2013
Racing to unleash the full potential of big data with the latest statistical and machine-learning techniques.Arun Kumar, Feng Niu, Christopher Ré From Communications of the ACM | March 2013
Unless you have taken very particular precautions, assume every website you visit knows exactly who you are.
Jeremiah Grossman From Communications of the ACM | January 2013
A thinking framework in the form of an actionable kernel.
Ivar Jacobson, Pan-Wei Ng, Paul E. McMahon, Ian Spence, Svante Lidman From Communications of the ACM | December 2012
While the ubiquitous SSD shares many features with the hard-disk drive, under the surface they are completely different.Michael Cornwell From Communications of the ACM | December 2012
There are four common pitfalls to avoid when using software metrics in a project management setting.Eric Bouwers, Joost Visser, Arie van Deursen From Communications of the ACM | July 2012