For a semiconductor circuit with billions of transistors, finding desired locations of circuit components is a challenging task that substantially impacts circuit...Yao-Wen Chang From Communications of the ACM | June 2013
VLSI placement optimizes locations of circuit components so as to reduce interconnect. We propose an algorithm for large-scale placement that outperforms prior...Myung-Chul Kim, Dong-Jin Lee, Igor L. Markov From Communications of the ACM | June 2013
It has been an open question whether it is possible to build GPU-targeted high-performance software systems that are themselves programmable. "GPU Ray Tracing" shows...Matt Pharr From Communications of the ACM | May 2013
The NVIDIA OptiX ray tracing engine builds on the key observation that most ray tracing algorithms can be implemented using a small set of programmable operations...Steven G. Parker, Heiko Friedrich, David Luebke, Keith Morley, James Bigler, Jared Hoberock, David McAllister, Austin Robison, Andreas Dietrich, Greg Humphreys, Morgan McGuire, Martin Stich From Communications of the ACM | May 2013
The rich world is getting older, so we will see many efforts to build robots that can provide some in-home care for frail people. These robots will need computer...David Forsyth From Communications of the ACM | April 2013
We address the problem of understanding an indoor scene from a single image in terms of recovering the room geometry (floor, ceiling, and walls) and furniture layout...Huayan Wang, Stephen Gould, Daphne Roller From Communications of the ACM | April 2013
The microprocessor chip R&D community has been well aware of the so-called "power wall" challenge for over a decade. The following work by Esmaeilzadeh et al. is...Pradip Bose From Communications of the ACM | February 2013
Tthe microprocessor industry has shifted to multicore scaling as its principal strategy for continuing performance growth. However, while transistor count increases...Hadi Esmaeilzadeh, Emily Blem, Renée St. Amant, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam, Doug Burger From Communications of the ACM | February 2013
The following article by Shotton et al. describes a landmark computer vision system that takes a single depth image containing a person and automatically estimates...James M. Rehg From Communications of the ACM | January 2013
We propose a new method to quickly and accurately predict human pose — the 3-D positions of body joints — from a single depth image, without depending on information...Jamie Shotton, Toby Sharp, Alex Kipman, Andrew Fitzgibbon, Mark Finocchio, Andrew Blake, Mat Cook, Richard Moore From Communications of the ACM | January 2013
Photographs capture the moment; paintings convey perception, impression, and feeling; illustrations tell stories. Computer graphics aims to enrich all these artistic...Doug DeCarlo, Matthew Stone From Communications of the ACM | January 2013
How-things-work visualizations use a variety of visual techniques to depict the operation of complex mechanical assemblies. We present an automated approach for...Niloy J. Mitra, Yong-Liang Yang, Dong-Ming Yan, Wilmot Li, Maneesh Agrawala From Communications of the ACM | January 2013
How do birds flock and fish school? How do individuals in a social network reach agreement, even though they are often only influenced by other like-minded individuals...Ali Jadbabaie From Communications of the ACM | December 2012
Algorithms lay the grounds for numerical simulations and, crucially, provide a powerful framework for their analysis. The new area of natural algorithms may reprise...Bernard Chazelle From Communications of the ACM | December 2012
A fundamental impediment to the widespread development and deployment of in-camera algorithms is the lack of a clean open architecture for controlling camera...Richard Szeliski From Communications of the ACM | November 2012
Progress in computational photography has been hampered by the lack of a portable, programmable camera with sufficient image quality and computing power. To address...Andrew Adams, David E. Jacobs, Jennifer Dolson, Marius Tico, Kari Pulli, Eino-Ville Talvala, Boris Ajdin, Daniel Vaquero, Hendrik P. A. Lensch, Mark Horowitz, Sung Hee Park, Natasha Gelfand, Jongmin Baek, Wojciech Matusik, Marc Levoy From Communications of the ACM | November 2012
As information technology has come to permeate our society, broader classes of users have developed the need for more sophisticated data manipulation and processing...Martin C. Rinard From Communications of the ACM | August 2012
Millions of computer end users need to perform tasks over large spreadsheet data, yet lack the programming knowledge to do such tasks automatically. We present...Sumit Gulwani, William R. Harris, Rishabh Singh From Communications of the ACM | August 2012
Say you want to simulate the motion over time of the stars in a galaxy to learn about how galaxies formed and why the universe appears as it does. Is it feasible...William Gropp From Communications of the ACM | May 2012
We describe a parallel fast multipole method for highly nonuniform distributions of particles. We employ both distributed memory parallelism and shared memory parallelism...Ilya Lashuk, Aparna Chandramowlishwaran, Harper Langston, Tuan-Anh Nguyen, Rahul Sampath, Aashay Shringarpure, Richard Vuduc, Lexing Ying, Denis Zorin, George Biros From Communications of the ACM | May 2012