How do birds flock and fish school? How do individuals in a social network reach agreement, even though they are often only influenced by other like-minded individuals...Ali Jadbabaie From Communications of the ACM | December 2012
Algorithms lay the grounds for numerical simulations and, crucially, provide a powerful framework for their analysis. The new area of natural algorithms may reprise...Bernard Chazelle From Communications of the ACM | December 2012
This lifting of data structure thinking to the relational level has long inspired computer scientists. In "An Introduction to Data Representation Synthesis," the...Yannis Smaragdakis From Communications of the ACM | December 2012
We consider the problem of specifying combinations of data structures with complex sharing in a manner that is declarative and results in provably correct code.Peter Hawkins, Martin Rinard, Alex Aiken, Mooly Sagiv, Kathleen Fisher From Communications of the ACM | December 2012
A fundamental impediment to the widespread development and deployment of in-camera algorithms is the lack of a clean open architecture for controlling camera...Richard Szeliski From Communications of the ACM | November 2012
Progress in computational photography has been hampered by the lack of a portable, programmable camera with sufficient image quality and computing power. To address...Andrew Adams, David E. Jacobs, Jennifer Dolson, Marius Tico, Kari Pulli, Eino-Ville Talvala, Boris Ajdin, Daniel Vaquero, Hendrik P. A. Lensch, Mark Horowitz, Sung Hee Park, Natasha Gelfand, Jongmin Baek, Wojciech Matusik, Marc Levoy From Communications of the ACM | November 2012
There is some risk in trusting the cloud providers with sensitive data. Why not encrypt the data stored in cloud services?
Dan Suciu From Communications of the ACM | September 2012
An ideal solution to satisfying the dual goals of protecting data confidentiality and running computations is to enable a server to compute over encrypted data,...Raluca Ada Popa, Catherine M. S. Redfield, Nickolai Zeldovich, Hari Balakrishnan From Communications of the ACM | September 2012
As information technology has come to permeate our society, broader classes of users have developed the need for more sophisticated data manipulation and processing...Martin C. Rinard From Communications of the ACM | August 2012
Millions of computer end users need to perform tasks over large spreadsheet data, yet lack the programming knowledge to do such tasks automatically. We present...Sumit Gulwani, William R. Harris, Rishabh Singh From Communications of the ACM | August 2012
Say you want to simulate the motion over time of the stars in a galaxy to learn about how galaxies formed and why the universe appears as it does. Is it feasible...William Gropp From Communications of the ACM | May 2012
We describe a parallel fast multipole method for highly nonuniform distributions of particles. We employ both distributed memory parallelism and shared memory parallelism...Ilya Lashuk, Aparna Chandramowlishwaran, Harper Langston, Tuan-Anh Nguyen, Rahul Sampath, Aashay Shringarpure, Richard Vuduc, Lexing Ying, Denis Zorin, George Biros From Communications of the ACM | May 2012
With Aardvark, a social search engine, users ask a question, either by IM, e-mail, Web input, text message, or voice. Aardvark then routes the question to the person...Damon Horowitz, Sepandar D. Kamvar From Communications of the ACM | April 2012
It is difficult to remember what people had to do to find the answer to a question before the Web. One option might be to call a friend who might know the answer...Ed H. Chi From Communications of the ACM | April 2012
Physicists have long observed physical phenomena and developed mathematical models to describe them. The advent of computers has allowed us to implement these...David Harmon, Etienne Vouga, Breannan Smith, Rasmus Tamstorf, Eitan Grinspun From Communications of the ACM | April 2012
Computational power has been widely used to predict the behavior of dynamical systems using computer simulations, which are often used as an adjunct to or substitute...Dinesh Manocha From Communications of the ACM | April 2012
The ancient oriental game of Go has long been considered a grand challenge for artificial intelligence. However, computer Go programs based on Monte-Carlo tree...Sylvain Gelly, Levente Kocsis, Marc Schoenauer, Michèle Sebag, David Silver, Csaba Szepesvári, Olivier Teytaud From Communications of the ACM | March 2012
Researchers in artificial intelligence know that computers still lag far behind human levels of play in many games of strategy. One such contest of wits is Go...Michael L. Littman From Communications of the ACM | March 2012
Computer graphics once focused exclusively on realism. The field eventually broadened to include other pictorial...Frédo Durand From Communications of the ACM | January 2012
This paper presents the results of a study in which artists made line drawings intended to convey specific 3D shapes.Forrester Cole, Aleksey Golovinskiy, Alex Limpaecher, Heather Stoddart Barros, Adam Finkelstein, Thomas Funkhouser, Szymon Rusinkiewicz From Communications of the ACM | January 2012