The past decade has witnessed a renaissance in server virtualization. Diwaker Gupta et al. present a novel approach for significantly improving the efficiency of...Carl Waldspurger From Communications of the ACM | October 2010
Privacy Integrated Queries (PINQ) is an extensible data analysis platform designed to provide unconditional privacy guarantees for the records of the underlying...Frank McSherry From Communications of the ACM | September 2010
Government agencies worldwide release statistical information about population, education, and health, crime...Johannes Gehrke From Communications of the ACM | September 2010
Static program analysis techniques cannot know certain values, such as the value of user input or network state, at analysis...Isil Dillig, Thomas Dillig, Alex Aiken From Communications of the ACM | August 2010
You are given a program. Will it crash? Is it subject to a spoofing, buffer overflow, or injection attack? Is this part of...Fritz Henglein From Communications of the ACM | August 2010
A system is secure only if the entire system is secure. While this may sound obvious, achieving total security throughout a system is rarely trivial when you consider...Helen Wang From Communications of the ACM | August 2010
Exploiting the multiprocessors that have recently become ubiquitous requires high-performance and reliable concurrent systems code. However, concurrent programming...Peter Sewell, Susmit Sarkar, Scott Owens, Francesco Zappa Nardelli, Magnus O. Myreen From Communications of the ACM | July 2010
Multithreaded programs that communicate through shared memory are pervasive. Today they are the most obvious...Hans-J. Boehm From Communications of the ACM | July 2010
We report on the formal, machine-checked verification of the seL4 microkernel from an abstract specification down to its C implementation. We assume correctness...Gerwin Klein, June Andronick, Kevin Elphinstone, Gernot Heiser, David Cock, Philip Derrin, Dhammika Elkaduwe, Kai Engelhardt, Rafal Kolanski, Michael Norrish, Thomas Sewell, Harvey Tuch, Simon Winwood From Communications of the ACM | June 2010
When you decide to use a piece of software, how do you know it will do what you need it to do? Will it be safe to run? Will it interfere...K. Rustan M. Leino From Communications of the ACM | June 2010
The trend towards processors with more and more parallel cores is increasing the need for software that can take advantage of...Jacob Burnim, Koushik Sen From Communications of the ACM | June 2010
Surprises may be fun in real life, but not so in software. One approach to avoiding surprises in software is to establish its...Vivek Sarkar From Communications of the ACM | June 2010
There are many methods for detecting and mitigating software errors but few generic methods for automatically repairing errors once they are discovered. Recent...Westley Weimer, Stephanie Forrest, Claire Le Goues, ThanhVu Nguyen From Communications of the ACM | May 2010
Finding bugs is technically demanding and yet economically vital. How much more difficult yet valuable would it be to...Mark Harman From Communications of the ACM | May 2010
Customer preferences for products are drifting over time. Product perception and popularity are constantly changing as new selection emerges. Similarly, customer...Yehuda Koren From Communications of the ACM | April 2010
The past decade has seen an explosion of interest in machine learning and data mining, with significant advances in terms of...Padhraic Smyth, Charles Elkan From Communications of the ACM | April 2010
Information integration is a key challenge faced by all major organizations, business and governmental ones alike. Two research...Balder ten Cate, Phokion G. Kolaitis From Communications of the ACM | January 2010
When you search for products on, you are seeing results from thousands of vendor databases that were developed before Amazon existed. Did you ever wonder...Alon Halevy From Communications of the ACM | January 2010
Native Client is a sandbox for untrusted x86 native code. It aims to give browser-based applications the computational performance of native applications without...Bennet Yee, David Sehr, Gregory Dardyk, J. Bradley Chen, Robert Muth, Tavis Ormandy, Shiki Okasaka, Neha Narula, Nicholas Fullagar From Communications of the ACM | January 2010
Google's Native Client is an intriguing new system that allows untrusted x86 binaries to run safely on bare metal.Dan Wallach From Communications of the ACM | January 2010